Today, Dotz is sharing her son's room with us! I love her crafty little blog, and this is what she has to say about herself:
I'm a stay-at-home mum who loves having the excitement, challenges and beauty that each day brings. Every day is a new opportunity to learn more about love and to trust God for all the little and big moments, through both joys and trials. I have two boys, big D, 2+, and little D, 4.5 months, and one big boy aka hubby, who is my pillar of support and the voice of reason in all situations. I love all my boys very much!
In my spare time, I love to scrap simple layouts and projects, because I believe in cherishing every precious memory. Along the way, I've learnt that it's better not to aim for the perfect layout or artpiece, because there are too many moments to capture! Better to enjoy the journey and move on... :) I also do customized scrapbooking pieces and cards as a small home business. You can find me at Dottieshop.
Ever since we knew number #2 was on the way, we decided to move our older boy, big D, to his own room. That was when he was about 15 months old. Thankfully, he adjusted very quickly to his new 'big boy bed' and surroundings! Over the months, we've been adding bits and bobs to his room and around the house, to make it more child-friendly and fun! Come, have a look...
Their bookshelf is pretty full at the moment. It fits snugly under the window. We love to read!
Against the other wall in the room are their toys. Stuffed animals, mostly inherited from their dad and I, go into the mesh cylindrical containers on the floor. Duplo blocks take up one container on wheels, and the other is filled with anything transport-related, including an aeroplane, several cars and a train... The cupboard holds big D's art materials, while the shelves above contain more toys! Didi's rattles and various puzzles fill the boxes on the lower shelf for now.
Here's a closer look! Everything thrown nilly willy into the boxes, as you can see... ;) If you ask me, I think they have way too many toys... :(
Thanks for visiting our little space! :)
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