Tuesday, March 12, 2013

{Small Spaces} A homeschooling space

Hello! If you can remember, we had mothers sharing their children's spaces over here last year, and I'm excited to share a few more with you! 

Today, we take a look into a room used for homeschooling, and you will be impressed how neat and pretty the room is. Jean is a homeschooling mum of two, and she blogs over at "Jean Stitch". I'll leave you with her to introduce her kids' learning space!


Hi! I am Jean, a homeschooling mom of 2 kids who love to sew, craft, bake! Today, I will bring you around the room that we spend most of our time together from morning till late afternoon. We call this room our "Study and Play Room"! And what do we have in there? C'mon in!

This little corner here is where G and J will take turns to read or flip through books (for my 4 year old J who is not reading yet). They love this space and the little sofa (sometimes they 'fight' over it). We have another bookshelf in the children's room. A smaller one where they get to read during their free time, when they are awake in the morning or just before nap.

Every morning, G has to follow a timetable during school time. This timetable is not valid now since she has taken her year-end exam for this year and now pretty relax where she gets to do what she likes to do after completing a few pages of her workbook during the holidays (oops! no idle time lest the brain works slower).

Schedule for 2013 coming out soon with new outdoor activities and I am going to include visitations to her great-grandma into it :)

Since we are into this home-learning space, let me talk about it a little bit more. We usually start our day around 7.30am, actual learning starts around 9am after morning devotion. It will last till noon time with 5-10mins break in-between. After lunch, she gets to rest a while before practicing her piano for 45mins. A short break before starting her second half of her schooling. We usually end the lesson around 4pm. Our Fridays though is still a schooling day, we do minimal so that we can have some outdoor activities. It can be out to library, park, museum for next year or mummy's favorite place (can you guess where?) :)
Little J's timetable is slightly different, he at the moment has no official timetable maybe... next year :)
A small table for J to do his writing and occassionally, G will use it to do her schooling too but most of the time, she will share a table with me where I get to score her worksheets while supervising her.

The other side of the wall, we have a map, pinboard where all of us are sharing, whiteboard for learning, charts.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8486/ 8232183332_7963370045_z.jpg

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8066/ 8231120661_dbe23e2590_z.jpg

A little corner for myself. A cupboard full of fabric. Pretty suitcases for some craft tools, stamp pads, rubber stamps. I am not into scrapping but little girl likes to make cards. And I have plenty of love notes from her :)

This is the table that I mentioned where G and I do our work. When we are done with our schooling or she doesn't really 'need' me, I will do my sewing while little boy naps. She gets half the table too for her craft! Over here, she made some marble magnets while I worked on my key holders. And yes! that's my sewing machine there :)

study craft table

How do we keep our workbooks and worksheets? We have plenty of these. We heart these transparent holders that we bought from the bookstore. They make looking for workbooks easier. Worksheets will be in the files :)

Almost done! Just to share a verse from the Bible which I slowly cut out 8 years ago when we first decided to homeschool our children. This verse keeps me on the toe whenever I look at it, almost daily because it is just right in front of me up on the wall :) A good reminder as a parent.

{ Proverbs 22:6 ~ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. }

That is all. Thank you for coming by! :) ♥ Jean

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 4:00 PM


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