Thursday, August 1, 2013

Singapore's first MT Expo

The hubs was post-call this morning, and I dragged him and the boys down the MT masking tape expo, which is supposed to be Singapore's first.

Hubs examining the MT poster with baby J.
Those patterns on the poster are limited edition tapes designed specially for the expo,
with Singapore-related motifs. Most are already sold out!

The expo was held at the Ion Art Gallery (Ion Orchard level 4), and the entire place was an explosion of colours! There was washi tape covering every single available surface, from the walls...

... to the floor!

Also, there was loads of eye-candy all around, all decorated with washi:

What I really liked were these little houses set up at one side of the gallery, which had small tables stocked with lots of rolls of washi tape. Anyone could help themselves to the tapes and make their own creations, and the little tables were perfect for kids to sit at to craft. 

Junior J had a great time just going between the houses and choosing tapes to decorate his notebook (note to parents: cards and small boxes are provided, but you might want to let your child bring his art journal/notebook along). Baby J tried his hand at pasting washi tapes on a piece of paper too, and also had a good time playing in the play kitchen in one of the houses (we had a hard time preventing him from wrecking all those paper lanterns on display though!).

For the grown-ups, there are also tapes provided at a separate table...

... plus some displays to give you ideas on what you could use all that washi for.

And of course, there's washi tape for sale too! (The hubby, who usually is aghast at my obsession with washi tapes, actually got rather excited when he saw the pretty designs that were available.)

Another rather fun feature was the gacha machines, where you could buy tokens, and twist to get a gacha ball containing a small roll of washi tape.

If the gacha ball contains this brown slip of paper, you also get to choose a limited edition tape at the counter! 

We decided to let the kids try the gacha machine just for fun, and with our three tries obtained one brown slip. I must admit I was the most excited about the paper. Junior J was just happy doing the twisting and seeing the gacha balls dropping, while baby J just thought the ball was a new toy for him!

If you're interested, the expo is on until the 11th of August, and is open daily from 10.30 am to 9.30 pm. Entrance is free, so this is probably something nice for the kids to visit if you happen to be in town, and need to keep them occupied for half an hour or so!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 8:48 AM


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