Monday, April 9, 2012

Thankful Tuesdays: Spring...

... has brought forth a whole riot of blooms and colors.  We've been taking walks around the area just marveling at the plethora of flowers, popping up amidst the grass (the narcissus are dying and now the tulips are in full force), filling up the window boxes, and festooning the trees.  Almost every corner we turn, we see more colors... and now I understand why poets wax lyrical about spring.

We've been having cold weather though, and it has been raining.  Just yesterday night, the mercury plunged to -3 degrees!  Whatever the case, I am most thankful for:

:: This beautiful season, that reminds me of what an amazing God we have.  

:: Stuff that help to keep us warm, from radiators and quilts to layers of baby clothes...

... as well as piping hot drinks that warm from the inside.

:: All the encouragement and prayer we've been getting from friends and family.  And for all of you who pop in here and take the time to leave a little note or two... I am most grateful!

:: Help with the kids, from having toys to keep little hands occupied...

These plastic connectors are ingenious, and were a gift from a friend.
Junior J has been making them into fences for his zoo!

Our Lego creation made while waiting for the hubby when he went car shopping.

... to the helping hands of the hubby and my mother.  This I am most thankful for, as me, being the big klutz I am, tripped and fell the other day when we were out car-hunting.  I was carrying Baby J strapped to me, and I landed on my knees and Baby J bumped his head.  Thankfully the boy was wearing his beanie and it was a mild knock for him, but my knee took most of the brunt of impact and I have been limping around for the past few days.  Initially the pain was so bad we thought it might have been a fractured knee-cap, but it seems to be getting better so we are going to wait and see.  I'm just glad baby is ok!

What are you thankful for this week?  

PS: My apologies for the bad picture quality and not replying to your comments! The internet here has been really slow, so everything takes ages to load. I've had to reduce the size of the pictures, but our wireless connection should be up by the end of this month!

Mum in the Making

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 2:22 PM


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