Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thankful Tuesdays: Grateful to Gather

Hello!  Its been a busy day and I still have dinner to cook, but I thought I'd quickly pop in to count my blessings... This week, we give thanks to God for:

:: Him being our Shepherd.  In times of doubt or worry, it is always comforting to know that our God watches over us.

:: Sunlight: That allows plants to grow, and gives us rainbows.

:: Family, that wrap around and keep the children close and safe, and always have time to read "just one more book".  That lend helping hands so you can take a break.  That are patient with your shortcomings, and tolerate your flaws.

:: The visas being cleared, which means we do not need to navigate another admin minefield of applying to another country.  And also means we can move ahead with the planning and hoping, and dreaming too... :)

:: Reminders of love in the commonest places:

:: Food, that nourishes our body and keeps us going.  And how most of us have the happy problem of deciding "what to eat" or "what to cook", rather than wonder about when the next meal is ever coming...

What are you thankful for this week, friends?  If you blog, and decide to take some time to list your blessings for the week, do add your link (to the specific post) below so that we could gather in cyberspace to encourage each other and give thanks together.  And to allow your readers to hop over to the gathering, please copy and paste the code provided below at the bottom of your post.  Let the thanksgiving begin!

Mum in the Making

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12:15 AM


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