Monday, December 30, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: 2013

It was a year full of changes and experiences. We started 2013 experiencing a cold cold winter:

Got to travel a lil bit more:

Neuschwanstein. All dusted with snow.

Venice. One of the places I've always wanted to go.

Brugge. Old, charming and we found yummy Japanese food!
(Yes, we were really deprived of Asian food I think!)

Celebrated Junior J turning four.

We packed up and came home to hot hot Singapore.

Started renovating our old musty kitchen and toilets, and painted the house. Which saw numerous delays, but eventually was completed!

Braved the haze and moved up to Penang for 2 weeks.

Cheered for Lil J turning two!

And of course, at the end of the year we welcomed our littlest J into our family.

What a year it has been! And on the last day of the year, I am so thankful for:

:: God's love and grace that has been so constant throughout this year. It was one of the things that has kept me steady during times of change (since I deal very badly with changes) and challenge.

:: The hubs, who has been my companion through this journey we are taking. No matter the tough patches, he's always been there, and I am so grateful for him.

:: Being able to see how our little boys grow up, bit by bit. There are tough days, but as we look back each year, we see how much they have progressed, and how much they have bloomed. I am so glad to be able to celebrate each birthday, each milestone with them.

:: Our littlest. I've forgotten how wonderful it is to snuggle with a newborn and hear their funny birdie noises, and breathe in that baby smell.

:: Family, who have always loved us no matter what.

:: Friends, that always lend you a listening ear. Though we can't meet up very often, I am so thankful for good friends that are there for you, cheering you on, holding out a hand during times when you feel like you are drowning.

:: All the experiences we could have this year. The travelling as a family, being able to renovate our home, learning how to live as a family of five. It has been a year of learning, a year of growth.

:: This blog, which has been a source of comfort, since writing is a stress-reliever for me. Thank you for all your support and comments over here. And to those who have joined us to give thanks each week, it has been such an encouragement to me!

So at the close of this year, I give thanks. Our hands are full, but our hearts are full too. 2014 is looking to be a year of learning, as the boys 'officially' start homeschooling, and I'm wondering how I'm going to cope with three lil boys at home. But I'm looking forward to a fresh new year ahead, and I know we'll be going through it leaning on Him, and trusting in His grace.

What are you thankful for in 2013?
Mum in the Making

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 9:30 AM


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