Friday, January 20, 2012

The ride of our life

We left the hotel Wednesday afternoon and headed home.  We only managed to check out at around one, since we all overslept and then Junior J and the hubby went to the pool.  Baby J threw up for the fourth time, and I ended up trying to pack up with him strapped to me.  Junior J threw a tantrum while we were trying to pack, insisting that we carried him.  Before that, he tried to do a WWF stunt on his brother by jumping off the side of the sofa onto the bed on which baby J was lying on, and got smacked for that.  Understandably we weren't in too good a mood by the time we left, but everything proceeded smoothly and we reached Seremban (after getting lost for a bit) and had a yummy beef noodle lunch (everything else was already closed!).

We were leaving Seremban when the hubby heard a "pop" sound, and the car's air con DIED.  So we had to drive 3 hours in sweltering hot weather (it was 30 plus outside and sunny) back to Singapore, without any air con.  We couldn't open the windows, since the wind would have caused a lot of drag.  We had two options: either use the fan to circulate warm air around the car, or pipe air from outside into the car.  Either way, it just meant we were traveling in a sauna.  At high speed.  In the end, we opted for both: we piped air in most of the time, and switched to just circulating the air when we drove near heavy vehicles belching exhaust fumes.  Thankfully, when the heat began to get unbearable, it started to rain.  I have never been so thankful for rain in my whole life!  But the rain stopped after about 20 minutes, and things started heating up again.

Then we made a rest stop to feed baby J, plus check on him, since we were worried he might overheat.  He was drenched so we decided to just leave him in only his diaper! So we zoomed all the way back to SG and crossed customs (the immigration folk must be wondering why our baby was almost naked).  Breathed a sigh of relief, only to get stuck in a jam.  One that crawled on for 30 minutes.  Baby J started to cry, so I managed to squirm to the back to carry him.  After inching forward bit by bit for what seemed like eternity, I started feeling claustrophobic.  The back of the car was even hotter than the front, and I was wedged between 2 car seats, holding the sweaty hand of a toddler and carrying a very hot, bothered and squirmy baby.  I think if the jam continued, I might have opened the door and make a run for it.  To anywhere, just away from that furnace of a car!

Finally made it home.  Cool showers have never felt so good before!  All in all, we're thankful that even though we were traveling in terrible conditions, Junior J didn't fuss at all, and was content to nap for the first part and then drink his cold juice for the second part.  Baby J also managed to nap for some time, even in the heat.  Whatever the case, we've decided that for March's trip back to Penang, we'd better fly back instead!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12:02 AM


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