Monday, September 30, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: The great outdoors

Junior J and I met up with friends at the Botanic Gardens yesterday, and spent an hour or so walking about collecting specimens that we wanted to examine under a microscope. They had a lovely time, just running about on the grass, poking at stuff with sticks, picking up little flowers, and spotting ants and dragonflies. 

We ended up with a lovely collection which we brought over to another friend's place to admire...

... and I think one of the prettiest findings of the day was an almost perfect leaf skeleton, delicate and lace-like.

I think that children really need time outdoors. Not time spent jostling in the supermarket, or at the mall, but time to just run free on the grass. Time where they can roam, and enjoy the wonders of God's creation. I know our two boys love their mornings, when they get time to just potter about picking leaves and throwing twigs about. These are the times when fighting is minimal (no need to fight over dead leaves, since there are so many about), and laughter is plentiful. However, I admit I've been rather reluctant to bring both of them out because of the heat (gosh, pregnancy really turns up your body temperature by a couple of degrees I think!) and exhaustion. Our morning out in the gardens just reminded me of how we really need to get out more to enjoy our green spaces... and I'm thankful that we have these pockets of nature to enjoy around us!

What are you thankful for this week?
Mum in the Making

Zva Creative September DT Blog Hop!

Hello! Its been ages since I last scrapped, and I was quite glad to get my fingers inky again this month. Its the end of the month, so its Zva Creative blog hop time again! Read on to see how you can win some lovely bling from them...


Zva Creative and my fellow Design Team members welcome you to our September blog hop! We are excited that you are joining us, and look forward to sharing our new work with you!

Today's Blog Hop begins at the Zva Creative's Facebook pageBe sure to head on over to check it out!

Here's a list of participants (in case there is a glitch along the way):

As you know, Zva offers many beautiful color groupings for pearls, flowers and crystals. If you like what you see along the hop, you can find a list of stores and online retailers that sell Zva here.

Today, I'm sharing a mini album that I made as a farewell gift to a bible study group mate. We planned to fill up part of the album with photos, and leave the rest of the pages blank for her to fill up with her memories of Singapore. So this is a simple album, with patterned paper inside:

... and lots of Zva embellishments on the cover! I used this huge pink bloom, as well as leaves from their collection:

... as well as a pearl flourish with some wood veneer butterflies, which were coloured with some pink distress ink.

A very simple album, which I hope the new owner loves!

Anyway, if you would like to play along with our design team, just follow along the blog path. I am linking to one of the Zva designers and that designer is linking to the next and so on. Be prepared to be inspired along the way!

The Blog Hop starts today, September 30th and runs until midnight US Eastern Standard Time on 1st October, Tuesday.


Hidden on FIVE of the designer's blogs is a Zva Creative prize package! Winners will be randomly chosen after the hop is over. All you need to do is leave a comment on this blog hop post. You do not need to leave a comment on each and every designer'blog post to qualify. However, the more times you comment along the blog hop path, the more chances you will have to win.

The 5 winners will be announced on 2nd October, Wednesday, on the Zva Creative's Facebook page!

We also thought it would be more fun to add even more chances to win our blog hop prize! To increase your chances of winning, leave a separate comment to let us know that you:

* Posted on your Facebook page about our hop (link to any of the blog hop posts).
* Tweeted about our hop (link to any of the blog hop posts).
* Asked your local store to carry Zva creative products. If they already do, that's fantastic, maybe you can suggest other products that they don't carry.

Your next stop is Marley's blog. Enjoy, and thank you for joining us!

P.S. Mark your calendar to join us again on the 28th of October for our next Zva blog hop!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Goodbye September!

Whew! September has whizzed by, and I can't believe we have less than 10 weeks before we meet baby #3 (gulp). Its been a lovely, fruitful month. We've been doing our usual messing around with art, and also managed to start doing more home-learning and playing.

We've read loads of books. And discovered a great new place to buy books. We've made lanterns, played with sparklers, and roared at dinosaurs at two different parks.

And finally, finally, we've unpacked all our boxes that came from Germany and after our renovations.

So its goodbye to our simple September. And hello October, I'm looking forward to you!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday Five: An invitation to play

Recently there was a sharing session by a homeschooling mum, and I came home from the session feeling rather inspired. One of the key things I learnt was that we could sometimes prepare and layout toys/materials for the kids, and arrange them in a way that invites them to play with them. If left in their usual boxes, kids usually would ignore most of their toys (which they tend to have too many of!). But if these toys were arranged differently, it may just interest the kids into playing with them, and sometimes in a different way. 

So here are five "set-ups" I tried this week after the session, to see if I could get the boys to be more busy with play, and less busy with fighting and getting into trouble: 

:: Animals in a river play scene (get instructions for making the playscene here): I just grabbed random animals and placed them around the felt play scene, and added some "troughs" of food (torn green construction paper and cut up bits of twine), plus two wooden boxes housing some horses. This one held Junior J's attention for a much longer period and he busied himself feeding the animals and letting them sleep. Lil J fiddled with the animals for awhile, then ran off to play with his cars.  

:: Playdough activity tray: This was probably the set-up that got them playing for the longest period of time. (My apologies for the bad photos, it was a dark rainy morning when I took them!) They were used to playing with playdough and cookie cutters, so I threw in some ice-cream sticks to make things a little different.

Lil J was content rolling out balls and proclaiming that they were "poo poo", then he busied himself trying to spear those balls on some of the ice-cream sticks. Junior J tried making different structures, first he made the head of a grasshopper, then he added sticks to change it into the head of a butterfly (with its proboscis). They were really excited and kept running to and fro from the dining table (where they were working), to the kitchen (where I was cooking), to show me their creations. Of course that meant playdough footprints, so I've learnt that these messy things are best restricted to areas near Mama where I can supervise!

:: Spooning/tonging activity tray: This is a common Montessori set-up I think, and I prepared it mainly for Lil J, thinking it was too simple for Junior J. To my surprise, the boys fought over the use of the tray, so I had to prepare another tray with the same materials (only to have them fight over who gets more rainbow pompoms!). Both boys actually sat down to transfer the pompoms using both the spoon and forceps, so I've learnt not to dismiss activities as being too simple for the older kids to do.

:: Threading wooden beads tray: So after the whole "fight over pompoms" thing, I thought I'd better prepare similar materials for both boys. So both had twine (with washi tape at one end to aid in the threading process) and pipe cleaners (and in the same colour so no one fights over who gets the nice colours or whatever!) to choose from. I prepared larger beads for Lil J, only to have Junior J declare he wanted the bigger beads. Thankfully, both busied themselves with the materials, with Lil J attempting to use the twine, only to give up after five minutes to use the pipe-cleaners instead (which was my intent anyway!). 

He spent a long time playing with the beads and pipe-cleaners, while big brother quickly threaded his on the twine and ran off to play. This time, I placed them in the kitchen, since I was worried about Lil J trying to eat the beads.

:: Card-making tray: This was a tray I left out for Junior J to busy himself with while I put Lil J down for his nap. I told him he could make a card for a friend using the materials, and he busied himself with punching out lots of flowers from coloured construction paper, and adding washi tape to the card. 

The use of trays to contain all the relevant materials is a Montessori concept, and I really love how it helps the kids to concentrate on the materials at hand. It also makes setting up and packing up easier since you can prep the trays before hand, whip it out when you need it, and then get the kids to just return everything to the tray when they are done.

I must admit it takes time and effort to prepare these trays before hand, but I think there is value to using these. We'll probably keep adding activities, and I'm thinking of exploring and preparing sensory trays for them too. Will share more when we do... meanwhile, do you prepare such trays/set-ups for your kids too? What are your fav activities to do with them?

Mum in the Making

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thinking Thursdays: The strangeness of strangers

Our two boys love taking public transport, and are always game for a bus ride or a trip on the MRT. We rely on public transport frequently, since I don't drive (or rather, I have a license, but do not have the guts to take our manual car on the road!), and they usually regard each trip as quite an adventure.

However, sometimes the adventure turns out to be rather strange. Like the day I went out with Junior J to town. We boarded the MRT and had to stand as the train was really crowded at 10.30 am. After one stop, some kind souls offered up their seats to us, and Junior J settled comfortably into his seat next to me. He was tired that day, having woken up much earlier than usual, so I was glad that we managed to get two seats. At the next stop, a lady (probably in her late fifties or early sixties) boarded the crowded train, and promptly made a bee-line for Junior J. She tapped him on the shoulder, and told him loudly to get up and sit on my lap so that she could have his seat. 

Initially I was rather surprised, since those seated around us were all young, able-bodied folk. Junior J, being the reserved and introverted fellow he is, was rather freaked out at having a stranger give him commands and did what he usually does when he panics: he said no, and burrowed his head in my lap. I was in a fix: should I force him to sit on my lap, given that it would be very uncomfortable for me since he is relatively heavy, and my belly was quite large at 28 weeks, or stand and give up my seat? Or should I just ignore the lady? I guess it was a reasonable request, an elderly lady asking for a seat on the train. But of all people, the littlest person in that carriage? 

Thankfully, the person sitting next to Junior J gave up his seat to the lady, and we were spared. The ironic thing was the train then stalled at the next stop, apparently due to some obstruction at a door, and we were asked to disembark and wait for the next train! (Oddly enough, the train doors were not able to close due to the obstruction, but after everyone got off, the doors closed and the train sped off, empty!)

Now if you were me, what would you have done? I'd think it would be appropriate for older children to give up their seats to others who need it, but I'd think we'd be looking at kids aged eight and above, those that could safely stand in the train on their own. Or am I just spoiling the kid? 

PS: Another issue I have with strangers would be those that take photos of my children (you can read one mum's experience here). Previously, when we travelled overseas with Junior J when he was a baby, we sometimes got approached by tourists who wanted to take a snapshot with him. We sometimes said yes, but felt it was really odd. But these days, with all the talk about privacy and sharing photos online, I'd be inclined to say no. I think the worst are those who secretly or casually snap photos of the kids without asking for permission (one mum blogged about such an incident here). Would you let them, or would you ask for the photos to be deleted?

Linking up with:'s Talkative Thursdays

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Dr Js are in the house

There are days when I get really tired by 5 pm in the evening. Sometimes, I'm so tired, I end up falling asleep on the sofa while watching the kids play. So the other day, while I was nodding off, I gave them their little doctor's bag, and told them Mama was sick, and could they please just give me some TLC. (I was hoping that I could just nap while pretending to be a very sick patient.)

So they did. Junior J dug out the surgical caps, donned one, placed another on his brother's head, and gave out stethoscopes. Then they took turns listening out for the baby. 

The boys inherited some of Papa's surgical caps. Seems like doctors wear pretty funky ones in the OT!

Junior J was a most industrious doctor. He fed me medicine and vitamins using huge syringes, rubbed bottles of medicated oil on my tummy, gave me a pillow for my head, and Lil J proclaimed me "All better now!". I most certainly didn't get my nap, but it was fun nonetheless!

And if you're interested, here's what we put in our doctor's kit. We didn't have to buy any of those store bought plastic kiddy toys (the yellow stethoscope was a freebie from the "Doctor for a Day" programme). I was a little thankful that they had lost the bandages, otherwise I'd be a mummy of another kind!

Linking up with:
  new button
My Little Drummer Boys

Thankful Tuesdays: Getting our rhythm back

It has been almost 6 months since we moved back from Germany. After half a year of changes, of moving from this place to that, of packing and unpacking boxes, I'm glad to say that we've more or less settled back into a regular rhythm of things. Most of our books have been sorted out, all our big boxes of stuff have been cleared out, and we've started dabbling in home-learning activities other than the usual reading and mucking around with paints and crayons. 

It's taken ages for us to get to this point (especially with my pregnancy exhaustion and hubby's crazier work schedule), and it involved lots of baby steps. The study still looks as if a Popular bookshop exploded in there, but at least all the other rooms are in some semblance of order, and at least now we can access our stuff without having to dig through five piles of things!

So today, after a long, tiring but fruitful day (which involved a gynae visit, lunch out together, grocery shopping, a homeschool sharing session and a trip to Ikea), I'm just thankful that we've settled in and have that familiar rhythm going. Both boys seem to thrive on routines, and I like things in a set order, and I know all this is going to change when baby #3 arrives. But meanwhile, at least what we have works for us!

Mum in the Making

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Simple September: Time with the oldest

My mum was available to babysit Lil J last Friday, so I brought Junior J out for the day. We took a train down to town (with a lot of "are we there yet?'s from him), and spent the time watching fountains, looking at pretty cakes...

... and having a good lunch together. 

He brought along a friend, who helped to "feed" him lunch.
These days, the once almost vegetarian boy (who loved salads and hated any meat)
chomps on loads of meat, and is on a veggie strike. 

Of course, we had to end off lunch with a dessert treat. He loves desserts very much, but thankfully he prefers to eat fruit more than sweet treats.

Yoguru with blueberries and mochi. His choice of toppings.
But I said it was ice-cream, because he said he didn't want yoghurt. :p

We also paid a visit to Public Garden, but by then he was really tired out from all the walking and we didn't stay for long. And at the end of the whole trip, we were both exhausted, but he declared he loved "Mama-J" time. (I guess he'd enjoy a trip to the zoo better, but these days my tolerance for heat has gone down a lot thanks to the pregnancy, so I'm leaving the sunny trips for days we are out together as a family!) I'm hoping that we'll be able to keep this up, being able to spend some time alone with each kid!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday Five: Great buys from Daiso

Ok, books are one of my weaknesses. Daiso is another. After all, everything is $2! Here are five buys that I particularly love:

:: Bento tools: Bento-making tools can be expensive (especially those that are made in Japan). However, you can find all the basic tools for decorating your kid's lunch-box in Daiso, from a huge range of food picks (all those pictured above are from Daiso), to silicon cups and tiny food cutters. (You can read more about bento tools from this post.)

These food cutters are great for cutting stuff like carrots to dress up your kid's food!

:: Japanese food & cookware: You can get basic ingredients for Japanese cooking from the store, from soba noodles to seaweed and salad dressing (my mum claims only the sesame dressing is nice though). Plus they have all sorts of cookware, from useful pans for making egg sheets, to pretty pots with floral designs on them (I think those floral pots would be lovely in a little girl's play kitchen!).

We're still testing out their salad dressings!
I recently bought the pan to make egg sheets for the big boy.

In fact, most of the cookware in the boys' play kitchen are actually real cookware from Daiso (I just buy the smallest size pots and pans!). These are pretty durable, since they are made for real cooking, and are much cheaper than the play versions!

We store the boys' play food in various containers,
and I find that the wooden boxes from Daiso are pretty nice for this purpose.
That little kettle has been quite a favourite with all the kids that play at our home. 

:: Storage boxes: While boxes from Toyogo can be pretty cheap, I think the quality of the plastic boxes that are sold in Daiso is better! These frosted stacking boxes are my current favourite, and are very useful for sorting out learning and and scrapbooking materials (the medium sized ones are very popular and constantly out of stock, and your best bet at getting these would be at the Plaza Singapura branch). I also like those that come with handles, which we use to store our art supplies.

These are stackable, and come in various sizes. Perfect for storing our Montessori materials.

Another fav of mine are their wooden boxes, which I use to store art materials.

This wooden box has a permanent place on our dining table.
The stickers are also from Daiso, but I can't find this design any longer!

:: Vacuum storage bags: Some blog readers shared about these bags on our FB page, and I recently bought a whole bunch of them. They turned out to be so useful, since I can store all our winter clothing and baby clothes inside them, while saving us loads of space! Its especially good for winter clothes since they can take up a whole lot of cupboard room.

I love the small bags (since they come in a set of 2) for storing baby clothes. 

:: Craft materials: I used to buy lots of lace for scrapbooking and crafting from Daiso, and I love their DIY buttons which you can cover with your own fabric. Now, I find this place a great place to get other craft materials such as canvases, paint brushes and paper punches for the boys to use. And its one of my top suppliers for stickers for the boys!

The stickers are of pretty good quality, and the designs are cute without looking tacky.
Those on the left come in a booklet of 8 sheets of different designs,
and the boys really love them!

What are your favourite buys from Daiso?
Mum in the Making


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