Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Whirlwind week (And a little something else)

Last week was quite a whirlwind of a week (which explains the silence on the blog). The hubby was supposed to be on leave from Tuesday, as we needed to settle lots of renovation details, from picking out sanitary ware (you never know how complicated toilet bowls can be until you have to choose one for your home!) to choosing tile colours and patterns. And baby J was scheduled for a check-up with his PD, as well as with an allergist with regards to his growth issues. In addition, we had on our schedule a playdate at the Art Museum, a talk on homeschooling, plus a music class for the boys!

To top it off, baby J managed to spill hot soup all over himself one night when we were busy meeting with our interior designer. He ended up with second degree burns on his chest, and we ended up spending two days shuttling between four doctors (his PD, the allergist, KK A&E, and plastics for wound cleaning). It was heartbreaking to hear him cry while they cleaned and dressed the wound. Thankfully, he's been a brave little fellow and has been running about like normal these days, and the burns seem to be healing well. Unfortunately, he's more or less on house arrest for the next few weeks or so. No more daily visits to outdoor playgrounds, since he sweats buckets, and we need to keep the wound clean and dry. 

And to end it all, the boys (hubby included) have fallen sick and have been having leaky noses and coughs. It has been such an exhausting time, and we're still trying to pack up and clear out of our place so that the renovations can start next week. I'm just taking it day by day, and praying we'll be able to settle everything soon. 

Whatever the case, we've been really thankful for it has been a week of blessings too, and are grateful for:

:: God's grace through it all. I don't know how we could have survived otherwise!

:: Parental help: My MIL flew down twice over the past two weekends to play with the kids, so that we could run out to settle renovation matters, and my parents have also been a great help, popping by to help out with the kids and even housework too.

:: Friends: Who have been keeping us in prayer constantly. Some lend a listening ear when you need it, some pop by with essential oils to help with the coughs and colds, some even offer to babysit. We have been so blessed to be surrounded by so much love from our friends and family! 

:: A chance to repair and renew our home. The washing machine decided to conk out on us across the week (so it joins the growing list of spoilt things in our place!), so I'm looking forward to when all these old-age problems are sorted out.

:: The boys, who make us laugh everyday. 

Which brings me to our last blessing. We went for a check-up today (yes that's the 5th doctor we've seen across the week)... and we're excited to share that we're expecting! Baby is now 12 weeks along, and seems to be growing well. It has been a pretty rough first trimester this round, but I'm just thankful that God has blessed us with another little one.

Ok, so that's all folks... now, what are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12:44 AM


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