Monday, December 30, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: 2013

It was a year full of changes and experiences. We started 2013 experiencing a cold cold winter:

Got to travel a lil bit more:

Neuschwanstein. All dusted with snow.

Venice. One of the places I've always wanted to go.

Brugge. Old, charming and we found yummy Japanese food!
(Yes, we were really deprived of Asian food I think!)

Celebrated Junior J turning four.

We packed up and came home to hot hot Singapore.

Started renovating our old musty kitchen and toilets, and painted the house. Which saw numerous delays, but eventually was completed!

Braved the haze and moved up to Penang for 2 weeks.

Cheered for Lil J turning two!

And of course, at the end of the year we welcomed our littlest J into our family.

What a year it has been! And on the last day of the year, I am so thankful for:

:: God's love and grace that has been so constant throughout this year. It was one of the things that has kept me steady during times of change (since I deal very badly with changes) and challenge.

:: The hubs, who has been my companion through this journey we are taking. No matter the tough patches, he's always been there, and I am so grateful for him.

:: Being able to see how our little boys grow up, bit by bit. There are tough days, but as we look back each year, we see how much they have progressed, and how much they have bloomed. I am so glad to be able to celebrate each birthday, each milestone with them.

:: Our littlest. I've forgotten how wonderful it is to snuggle with a newborn and hear their funny birdie noises, and breathe in that baby smell.

:: Family, who have always loved us no matter what.

:: Friends, that always lend you a listening ear. Though we can't meet up very often, I am so thankful for good friends that are there for you, cheering you on, holding out a hand during times when you feel like you are drowning.

:: All the experiences we could have this year. The travelling as a family, being able to renovate our home, learning how to live as a family of five. It has been a year of learning, a year of growth.

:: This blog, which has been a source of comfort, since writing is a stress-reliever for me. Thank you for all your support and comments over here. And to those who have joined us to give thanks each week, it has been such an encouragement to me!

So at the close of this year, I give thanks. Our hands are full, but our hearts are full too. 2014 is looking to be a year of learning, as the boys 'officially' start homeschooling, and I'm wondering how I'm going to cope with three lil boys at home. But I'm looking forward to a fresh new year ahead, and I know we'll be going through it leaning on Him, and trusting in His grace.

What are you thankful for in 2013?
Mum in the Making

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Crispy lotus chips in the Philips Avance XL Airfryer

If you've ever been to the River Safari and lunched there, you might have tried eating these crispy lotus chips. Both the boys love crunching on them, and usually they are finished in a wink of an eye. Since the boys loved the chips so much, I decided to try making them in the Philips Airfryer, and managed to churn them out with some trial and error!

So here's how you can make your own lotus chips:

1. Peel lotus root, and slice into thin slices. Soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes.
2. Preheat Airfryer to 180 degrees Celsius.
3. Drain and dry lotus root slices with paper towels.
4. Toss slices with 1 tbsp of sesame oil (or if you wish, olive oil).
5. Add some salt, pepper and spices if you wish (you could experiment with cinnamon or curry powder, but they taste great with just some salt!), and toss to mix.
6. Place slices into Airfryer basket, and bake for 5 minutes. Open the basket, toss the slices and continue baking for another 5 minutes (Note: this is an estimate, as it depends on how thick your slices are).
7. The chips are ready once the slices are browned and crispy. Remove from the basket and let them cool. Tuck in and enjoy!

I'm thinking that these chips would be great amidst all the tidbits we usually have for Chinese New Year, and next up on our list to try would be apple chips, as well as chocolate lava cake! The Airfryer is really a versatile tool to have, especially in small kitchens without an oven. Thus far, we've baked brownies in the Airfryer, and have also fried chicken wings in there, along with our own home-made french fries:

We might also just try roasting a chicken in there for Christmas!

Oh yes, and if you are contemplating getting one (a Christmas present perhaps?), don't forget about this promotion:

An exclusive just for Mum in the Making blog readers:
Cook with Air today! Quote "Mum in the Making" and buy the Viva Digital Airfryer at $399 + $50 shopping voucher (Usual price: $459) and the Avance XL Airfryer at $479 + $50 shopping voucher (Usual price: $539) at the Philips Experience Showroom.* 
This promotion is valid from 1st December till 31st January 2014.

The Viva Digital Airfryer and Avance XL Airfryer are also available at regular prices, in leading electronics stores, departmental stores and supermarkets island-wide.

*Limited to 1 Airfryer per person (IC must be produced).

Philips Experience Showroom
Address: 620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Building TP4 Level 1 S(319762)
Tel: 6882 5800

Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday9.00 am – 7.00 pm 
Saturday9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Disclaimer: The Avance XL Airfryer was sponsored by Philips for purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dec Daily: Our Christmas (and a handprint canvas)

This year, Christmas was spent at home with family, and we had dinner out as we had to send my MIL to the airport as she was flying back. Here's some shots I want to remember amidst our usual chaos:

Our Christmas reads. 

Papa fixing up Lil J's truck.

Junior J read the tags and helped give out the presents. 

One of our nutcrackers, which followed us home from Germany. 

These Christmas themed ATCs make lovely decorations. I wish I had time to make more!

The boys helped to make handprint canvases as presents to their grandparents this year. We used their handprints to form a Christmas tree, and they glued down buttons and bling as decorations.

Even baby J helped (his is that blob of green paint right at the top), but he cried so much and refused to open his hand! The trees are topped with stars cut out from air-dry clay and outlined with glitter glue. I hope the grandparents liked it!

So here's wishing everyone a blessed blessed Christmas! I hope you had a lovely time with friends and family.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Celebrating together

We celebrated the hubby's birthday yesterday, and went out for lunch together as a family. (Yup, I snuck out since I was supposed still in confinement :p) It was really nice heading out for a change, and having Japanese food:

Of course, the youngest member had to come along too!

Just a blessed time with family. Enjoying food, and each other's company.

As this year draws to a close, I am really thankful that God has seen us through so much. We've been reflecting that we've been really blessed to have had complication-free pregnancies and deliveries thus far, and three healthy little boys. I mean, yes, there's the backache that's still there, but I'm glad everyone is generally in good health! I'm also grateful that we could celebrate the hub's birthday in such a simple manner.

And now, I'm sorta looking forward to a brand new year ahead!

What are you thankful for this week?
Mum in the Making

Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Made: A card for Papa

We celebrated the hubby's birthday today. We didn't manage to make him a present, but we did make a card:

The leaves from the tree were thumbprints from myself and the three boys (yes, even baby J added his mark), and the 4 little birds were again from thumbprints, which I added details to make them look like birds. The two older boys had lots of fun with the printing bit (I had to restrain Lil J or he would have been putting handprints instead of thumbprints!), and also helped to peel those alphabet stickers for me. Baby J was just pissed that we kept trying to open his little fist!

Happy Birthday, dear! We love you!

PS: We did a handprint canvas for the hubs 2 years ago. Then, Lil J was the baby and also cried when his hand was smeared with paint!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gifts for the littlest ones: MyBabyGift hampers (Review and giveaway!)

Hello! This is Baby J here. Or rather, Baby J number 3, since my brothers were also referred to as Baby J when they were younger. One nice thing about being the third baby of the family is that you have two playmates in the house to play with, and you get loads of renditions of the alphabet song and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" across the day. And you have lots of toys at home, since your two older brothers would have accumulated a whole pile before you came along. The only thing is, you usually have to fight them for it. And in terms of clothes and baby stuff, I have loads to choose from, except everything tends to be well, third-hand (or even fifth-hand...). 

So it was really nice of the folks at MyBabyGift to send my Mama a beautiful hamper to review, containing lots of lovely things. And some of these even had my name on it (which hopefully means my brothers won't snatch them from me)! 

These nice things were packed into a box tied up with a pretty ribbon...

... and everything inside was nicely packaged and tied up with ribbons too!

There were nice bodysuits made of 100% cotton, which I will probably get to wear during Chinese New Year. The pillowcase and blanket both had my name embroidered on it, and were made of soft cotton. Mama said that I could use the pillow next time when I was older, and that I would like playing with the little ribbon tags on the blanket. (Mama adds: The blanket measures 90x100 cm, which is great for swaddling, and large enough to follow them up to toddlerhood.)

The towel had my name on it too! And it was soft and plush, which makes bath time really comfortable. My brothers ran off with the pony rattle (this one is by Pepite pour Enfants), but I'm still no good at holding stuff so hopefully they'll return it to me soon!


Mama adds:
I really loved how different this hamper was from the usual hampers! Embroidering the names on the blankets, pillows, towels and bodysuits was a nice personal touch. I also liked how everything was made of soft cotton, and that the fabrics were of soft muted pastel shades. 

Aside from the items pictured here, MyBabyGift also stocks other items such as Sophie the Giraffe toys, GAIA bath products and even champagne. These items can be mixed and matched into a hamper of your choice (or you can choose from existing options on their website). So if you are thinking of sending a nice personal gift to a friend who has just had a baby, this might be a good place to shop! (They have recently launched their global website, which allows for delivery across Asia.)


To celebrate the festive season, MyBabyGift is giving away a "My Sweet Dreams Hamper" (worth $110) to one blog reader! This hamper contains a personalized pillow and blanket, and is suitable for children up to 4 years old. Just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below to enter in the giveaway (please remember to leave your email address in the comments, so we can contact you if you win!):

a Rafflecopter giveaway
In addition, MyBabyGift is offering $10 off all hampers on their website. Just enter the coupon code "MAKINGMUM" at checkout. This promotion is valid until the end of February 2014, and perfect for those belated Christmas gifts, or maybe something to bring in the new year!

Disclaimer: We received a hamper from MyBabyGift for purpose of the review. No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions are my (and my Mama's) own.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dec Daily: 2.5 weeks already?

With baby J's arrival, life has been blurred into this fuzzy dream, where day and nights seem mixed up. Its been this seemingly endless cycle of changing diapers, feeding, attending to the kids, snatched cat naps, crying kids. But there's also the nice bits: snuggling with baby, reading to the boys, capturing the moments the brothers are at peace with one another.

Whatever the case, I'm trying my best not to let my Type A personality get the better of me, as my to-do list grows longer and longer (next week we're looking at the hub's birthday, Christmas, followed by baby J's full month, Junior J's birthday, and Chinese New Year! Yikes!). All I can say is that we're slowly adjusting, and I'm learning to close both eyes and just do the important things. Step by step, day by day!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Life with 3

Hello! The dust is slowly settling and we're trying to get into a regular routine over here, and I've started to get used to sleeping in bits and bobs again, while trying to feed this lil fellow. This week, I'm just thankful for:

:: God's faithfulness and all that He has blessed us with, and all the reminders that He gives us strength to go through the tough days!

:: Cool weather these days, and two lovely sunny days that allowed the two older ones to go out to play.

:: This lil boy who seems to sleep more than his two older brothers, which helps alot! And I've forgotten how cute they can be, from the bird-like noises they make, to the way they sleep all scrunched up in a blanket.

:: Lil J, who never fails to crack me up with the funny things he says, and how fascinated he is with his baby brother. He tells me when baby is crying ("J baby is crying!"), and always checks to see if baby is awake ("It open the eyes!"). He's still adjusting though (he's hit the baby a couple of times and hasn't been sleeping well), and we're praying hard for this lil boy.

:: Junior J, who has been most gentle with his baby brother. He is content to sit next to me, and tell me stories while I feed the baby and try my best to keep my eyes open, and tries to talk to baby J when he is awake.

:: My in-laws who have been such a great help at home now.

Life has been crazy, but full of blessings. Taking it one day at a time!

What are you thankful for?

Mum in the Making

Friday, December 6, 2013

December Daily: No Christmas tree, no Christmas tree...

We've only had a Christmas tree last year, when we were still staying in Germany (since we were staying in the country from which the tradition originated from, it would be a pity not to have one!). All our attempts to set-up the artificial tree we have thus far have failed, for one reason or another.

Our decorations, chosen by the kids during overseas trips/visits to the Christmas markets.

This year, we gave away the fake tree (since Junior J has respiratory issues), and did think about getting a live tree. But in the end, we decided to do without, since it'll be a really busy month for us. However, we've hung up our tiny collection of decorations... on tree branches scavenged on walks. We're still hanging things up, so we'll see how it turns out next week!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Daily: Back home

For the past two days, it was like being on a staycation: meals served in bed, being able to sleep without being kicked in the tummy by some little feet, no laundry to do and no poopy butts to wash. Clean sheets every day. I could surf the net without having little fingers banging constantly on the keyboard. The corridor outside my room was beautifully decorated with handmade Christmas decorations. If I needed any help, I just had to press a button. My main little companion slept most of the time, and any discomfort was bearable with painkillers.

Then we came home today. To a pile of laundry waiting to be put back, to toys strewn on the floor. To little boys who had all needed a piece of Mama before bedtime. To exploding diapers that you had to change on your own, and bottle washing. To tantrums and everyday messes.

But if you give me a choice between the two, I'd still pick the latter. While I enjoyed my "rest" and stay in hospital, it was a little too quiet. I missed the boys, and I missed home. So now we're back, and its time to try to get into a new regular rhythm. Meanwhile, I'm really thankful for all the help we've been getting from our parents (we opted not to hire a confinement nanny), and I'm glad the hubs is on leave for this week and the next to help out. We'll see how everyone settles in I guess!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Daily: A glimpse of life with 3

The boys met their baby brother yesterday morning. They are fascinated with him, and have been treating him like their new pet: patting him and poking him, and then running off to play. It has been quiet most of the day when they are not around, and I admit I'm not used to it. That being said, I am trying my best to rest and savor the quiet, before we go home and the craziness of life with 3 little kids starts. We caught a glimpse of that yesterday: Lil J happily pressing the buttons that controlled the bed, sending me zooming up and down... chasing his new dump truck (his big brother present) and echoing "BACK IT UP!" with the truck... The room was filled with the noises of boys jumping on the sofa, boys fighting, a dinosaur show running, Papa reading a book to Junior J... while the baby slept through it all. I'm not sure how it'll be, but life is most definitely not going to be quiet. Or mundane. 

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