Friday, October 12, 2012

{DIAL} A day in Susan's life

It's the weekend! Today, we end off our "Day in a Life" series, and I hope you've enjoyed looking through the eyes of these mums as they go about doing their thing. I know I have! And if you'd like more glimpses into the lives of mothers, do hop over here, as some blogging mums have linked up to let you take a peek into their day too! 

Today we welcome Susan, a full time working mum to a lovely girl, Sophie. Even with her busy schedule, Susan manages to cook for her family, and also sets aside time to exercise (this mum sure can run!). And of course, she also squeezes in the time to blog at "A Juggling Mom". So what's in a working day for a healthy mum like her? Read on! 


The alarm rings at 7:15am and I hit the snooze button...
Am I the only one wishing it was still the weekends?

Let me sleep in a little later...

I'm out of bed and it's a half hour of routine cleaning and grooming before I look decent to face the world.

Today's Monday, so I make a final check on my Motivational Monday post, before I schedule it to go live.
Sophie must have heard us getting ready and runs out to the living rooms where my little sunshine goes, "It's too bright, too bright."

Can you guess, she's not an early bird either

After packing our breakfast and her bag, we head out of the home and drive to work. Alexis and I both work in the Raffles Place/ Tanjong Pagar area, so it makes sense to place Sophie in a child care centre near the office.

Breakfast is usually on the go as Sophie’s classes usually start at 9am.

I would be the last to say that this is an ideal arrangement since it could mean accidents like spills and crumbs but hey whatever works to get her eating. So hey, no judging okay.

Today I have a photo shoot for an up-coming campaign so hubby drops me off at Esplanade and I head towards the Esplanade Walk.

The weather is so fine this morning. How I wish I was really just taking a nice stroll on my day off.
This is one of my more interesting mornings where I'm not typing furiously behind a desk.

We pulled all our tricks from our bags to try to catch the baby's attention

The talent that we were shooting with his adorable one-year-old. His outfit sure attracted attention and there was even a group of tourists that snapped away.

It's back to the office for the daily grind. I’ve been with my current company for 8 months, but it almost feels like years. What gets me through the day is the company of colleagues that I work with, and also knowing that what we do is all about providing protection to our customers when they need it most.
Can you make a guess?

Lunch time!
I lunch alone on most Mondays, as I try to catch up on my book and blog. I also plan what I want to do for the rest of the week.

Having a quick and light wrap for lunch

I grab a cup of coffee for a caffeine kick before I head back to the office.
Thank God for coffee!

My happy coffee

In the office for the next half of the day...

I’m off to pick Sophie, and head home to cook dinner tonight.

Tonight, we're having Thai fusion with pineapple rice, tom yum soup and stir fry chicken. I never used to be much of a cook but these days, whipping up a meal in half an hour flat is one of my proudest achievements.

While we're having dinner, Sophie practices on her writing skills.
Good job, Sophie!

After dinner, it’s time for Sophie’s bath and then she grabs her books for bed time reading.

It's Daddy's turn to put her to sleep tonight while I head back to the kitchen.

I quickly prepare a few more dishes that I can keep in the fridge for the subsequent day’s dinner. Eating out is usually more expensive and unhealthy, so I try to cook whenever I can.

The day is finally over. I quickly do a round of catch-up on Facebook and Twitter and reply my emails.

While my day is a lot busier, with an additional job in the evening as a mom, there is nothing in the world I would trade it for!


Have you recorded your day in pictures?  If you have, link-up here, and take a peek at the lives of other mums too!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 3:30 PM


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