Sunday, October 7, 2012

{DIAL} Adeline's Monday

What are your Mondays like? Are they crazy busy, as you recover from a weekend? What if you throw a blog shop, and two older children into the mix? To give you an idea of how that is like, I've invited Adeline to share her Monday with us.

Step into Adeline's world as she blogs about her encounters as a SAHM at The Accidental Mom Blogger.  Amongst the many roles she undertakes, Adeline especially enjoys being the designated photographer and chef in the family. To keep herself sane from her mundane tasks, she also independently runs a blogshop at Adeline's Loft, creating lifestyle jewelries for the past 7 years. Her passion was recognized by a local women lifestyle online magazine, and she was awarded for being an inspirational woman during International Women's Day in 2011.

So how does this busy mum's Monday go? I'll leave her to share her day with you!


Step into my Mondays - usually a typical routine.

6.40am  The sight in my sink that greeted me in the morning.
 6.45am Made brekkie for the kids and lug them out of their beds.  
7.20am Get the kids out of the house to head on to school. It's the hubs job to take them to school in the mornings. (Ahhh... peace at home!) 

7.30am Took a morning walk at the park with the hubs! So need the fresh air! 

8.20am Back home. Brewed 2 cuppas of Nespresso for each of us for our morning dose.

  8.45am Time to clear the mess in the house.

  9.10am Finished up some jewelry orders and tried to create new ones. But my laptop was next to me and I cannot help but start my morning with my favorite mommies on Facebook.

9.30am Had to stop my work abruptly. *grumbles* Gotta send the man to work! Then dropped by the supermarket for some groceries for dinner preparation.

10.30am Back home! And my banter on FB continues before I head for a quick shower and arranged to pick mom up for lunch! Was out of the house again in less than 45 minutes. We had a leisurely lunch before dropping by the nursery to look at flowers and plants. My mom's love. Just something simple I do to cheer her up.
1.30pm Send mom back home and head to kids' school to wait for them to knock off.  Once back home, the kids have their late lunch and I am on my laptop for the next hour to meddle with my blogs. 
 3.30pm  Prepare dinner. Cooked chicken stew! Simple one dish meal for a busy day. Feeling tired already. In between, I'll check on the kids to make sure they are spending their time positively before sending them off to shower.

4.40pm  Send the girl for her tuition and gave a ride to her friend staying nearby to the same tuition centre. After which, I went to pick the man up from work. 
5.10pm Back home. Prepared rice and caught up on FB and emails again. In between, goofing around with the boy. :p
  7.20pm Girl is back home. I have great friends/neighbor who sends her home. Dinner time!

  8pm Wash dishes and clean up the kitchen while reminding the kids to do some revision or reading for the day.  Afterwhich, I get some me time at the shower. Once I'm done, my girl clammers for my attention. I'm already exhausted by now. But will set aside huggy times with her.
 9.00pm Watch the local mandarin TV series with the family. Something the children love to follow. After an hour, I whisk the kids off to bed after brushing teeth!
10.10pm Switched channel to CNA for news update. In between, still catching up with friends, texting on the phone. Before I know it, my body swtiches to sleep mode. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Good night world!

Have you recorded your day in pictures?  If you have, link-up here, and take a peek at the lives of other mums too!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 3:30 PM


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