Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Being a Mother

For this two weeks, blogger mommies from Singapore would be sharing about their journey through motherhood, and how it has changed them.  

Today, let's welcome Wendy, who is a stay home mum of a 2.5 years old boy.  She describes herself as "a very simple & relaxed mum, who loves to share with the world by writing".  She blogs at "Ling Family", which is a blog about parenting and their simple lifestyle.

Being a mother has really changed me so much and in many ways.  After being a mother, it has made me realize what unconditional love is, a love so great that you are willing to sacrifice anything, or do anything for my little loved one.
It makes me realize how important I can be in my child's life... I've given up a few offers and opportunities to work, but i will never regret a single bit of it, because Benson is my everything and I want to be there for him.  I used to spend lots of money on good stuff for myself before I had Benson.  But after being a mother, its all about him and I'm proud of it.
After being a mother, I will jump up and down happily when my son learned his first crawl, when he first stood on his 2 little feet, when he called out his first words, when he took his first solid food, when he learn to walk... and every single time, I'm so proud of Benson.
After being a mother, my temper has been better.  It makes me realize not to pull my hair out over small matters, and I'm a more forgiving person now.  To me this is quite a big change.  Friends who know me for years will know that I'm a very hot tempered and very impulsive person.  But that part of me melted away after being a mother.

Of course there are times when my dear son would make me super angry and depressed.  That's when the teaching comes.  I believe in building a solid foundation into my son's childhood... Discipline doesn't mean that we are bad parents, but helps our child to get back on the right track when they are wrong.  I admit that I almost fell into depression after Benson was born, but with a supportive husband and family members, I'm glad that I got through it with all of the help available to me.  I'm blessed with helpful people around me, including friends. Motherhood comes with a roller coaster ride, it's just how we take this ride, and the outcome we want to have.

After being a mother, I'm happier person now.  Small little things that Benson does will make me smile almost the whole day.  He is my happy pill, and the strength for me to go on, and the reason to hold on when life is on the down side.  He kept me positive in many ways.  He never fails to give me the warmest hug when I'm upset.
After being a mother, I realize I should have loved my parents more, and I appreciate them more.  I've opened up more now, and will tell or sms them to tell them I miss and love them very much.

Well... Motherhood has changed me into a " Better Me " in many ways, and I'm glad that I have a supportive husband and my lovely only son Benson.  They mean the world to me, and without them my life would mean nothing.
I thank God for them every single day...

How has motherhood changed you?  Link-up below if you have a story to share!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 4:00 PM


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