Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Messy Mittwoch: You know you have kids when...

:: You constantly trip over toys and stuff scattered all over the floor.  (Stepping on lego is mighty painful, btw.)

:: You find a scorpion lurking next to your computer, and a wombat staring at you in the shower.

:: You get a literal breakfast in bed, involving a lumpy pillow because toy fruits have been stuffed under it.  And steak on the bed head.

:: You spend half your life washing something: a poopy butt, a potty accident, dishes, spills, clothes, little grubby hands.

:: You spend more time swinging and less time working.

:: Your sofa has green stripes on them.  Permanently.

:: Your bed is constantly being un-made, as the pillows and blankets are needed to form deserts and volcanoes, and the bolster is needed as a roller coaster ride for Daffy duck.

:: Your study shelves have suddenly been overrun with Curious George books and learning materials, which are so numerous they are piling up in boxes on the floor.

:: You and your spouse have a standard list of descriptions with regards to the size of poop, like nugget, pisang and pellet.

:: You hear the pitter patter of feet coming to greet you when you come home.

:: You make-up silly songs about everything and anything, such as apples, wombats and zebras!

Anything else to add?

PS: The toy tornado has been driving me nuts, so yesterday I enforced clean-up time, which resulted in a massive tantrum... but we're going to make the little boy pack up every day (we used to do it, but I think it lapsed after awhile).  Meanwhile, we've just gotten an Expedit bookcase to house his books.  Just looking at those neat little square compartments makes you want to get organized!  (You can take a peek at some examples here...)

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12:39 AM


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