Saturday, December 24, 2011

Weekend wanderings: Older

It was the hubby's birthday yesterday, and we made this little "art piece" for him.  Just our handprints on a little canvas, which I thought would be pretty simple, and I stuck on the words and the heart first on the canvas:

The hand-printing part wasn't as easy as expected though.  Junior J got all excited and said he wanted to print all over the canvas, and I had to restrain him and promise that he could do his printing on another piece of paper after that.  Baby J screamed his head off when I applied paint on his hand, and refused to open his palm, and after a few tries the best I got was a smushed up version of his handprint.  Then the paint seeped behind the lettering so I ended up patching it up with white paint while hiding from the hubby in the study.  Anyway, not one of our best projects, but the hubby loved it, so we're really glad. :) 

Junior J also made a card, and I held his hand to write the words:

The inside was layered thick with paint, along with all sorts of texture (he recently made the discovery that he could scrap paint off using the end of his paintbrush):

Didn't have time to do anything nicer like making a cake or breakfast in bed, but we did have dinner at Labrador Seafood (we've never gone there before and I thought it would be nice to bring the family for a walk around the area before dinner, only it rained buckets and we nearly even ditched our plans to visit the place!).  The hubby loves seafood, especially crab, so I thought the place would be perfect.  The crab was pretty yummy...

... but the rest of the food (the supposedly good mee goring and satay) wasn't fantastic.  They do have a pretty wide range of dishes there though:

We had a good laugh about the giant squid.  Heehee.  

Junior J did enjoy the satay though (give him anything on a stick and a sauce for dipping and he's good to go!), and promptly helped himself to one before any of us had started on dinner!

Caught in the act!

All in all, I think the hubby had a pretty good time.  Happy birthday dear, we love you!

Its nearly impossible to catch a shot of everyone looking at the camera!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 12:22 AM


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