Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Messy Mittwoch: Simple solutions

Hooray!  We're finally a little more ready, room-wise, for Baby J.  The cot in our room has been cleared of stuff (it used to hold piles of clothes, plus odds and ends), and the baby things we need to use for the first few months have all been dug out and washed.  Now I'm just waiting for a sunny day to sun the mattress, and to figure out what to hang up for this little boy's mobile.  Junior J had a flock of paper cranes and a hot air balloon... and I'm wondering if I should hang this and this up for his little brother.  (Am thinking it'll look more balanced it there are three, but I'm not sure if I have time to fold another!)

And on a not so related note, we've had quite a few friends remarking on our little shoe rack for Junior J when they come over, so I thought I'd just share it here.  I've always found it hard to store his shoes, since all those small footwear seem to get all jumbled up in a regular shoe cupboard, so we just lined them up on a sturdy shoebox near the door.  It more or less fits 4 pairs of little shoes/sandals, and the boy can get at them/return them easily.  Nothing fancy, but I love how it works out!

Ok, I need to go and put in a few more things into my "hospital bag" for D-day.  You'd think packing the bag this round would be easier, but I can't seem to remember what were the things I packed/needed last time!  Guess the good thing is the hospital tends to provide many essentials (like baby diapers!), but do share, what were your essentials in the "hospital bag"?  (Ours would probably include the teeniest, tiniest onesie possible, since the last time Junior J was just too small to fit into the stuff his clueless parents brought along!)

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 1:28 AM


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