Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays: Let go and let God

Picture taken in Melbourne, in one of the parks.
 I can't remember which though!

Saturday came with pretty bad contractions, which were so frequent that we thought it was time to go down to hospital.  So we did more packing... but the contractions went away, so I guess Baby J decided to stay put for awhile (to our relief!).  The exhaustion these days has been pretty bad, and I've been falling asleep both in the mornings when the boy plays on his own, plus during his naps.  There have been a few "oh no, I don't know how things are going to be" kind of moments, like last night. That was when I realised that we will be going to have #2, and would then have to pack up our house a few months after, survive an 8 plus hour drive to visit hubby's parents with the two boys, drive back, unpack, pack again, then promptly move half-way across the world.  Again with everyone in tow.  Suffice to say I freaked out.

The hubby says I tend to be all "doom and gloom" (which makes all these thankful posts essential for me!), as I usually expect the worst to happen.  (He on the other hand, is the exact opposite.  This also means I tend to be a very through planner, though I get really stressed in the process, while he is a "play by ear" kind of person who tends to forget stuff... We more or less work well together, though we tend to drive each other nuts sometimes!)

Anyway, I am still trying to let go and let God, and perhaps this time of many question marks would be a long-drawn lesson for me to keep trusting in Him that knows our tomorrows.  So this week, I am thankful for:

:: His everlasting, never-changing nature.  That while circumstances change, we can still hang on to God and know that He is holy and perfect and loving.

:: The hubby, who reminds me to enjoy the journey.  Who also has been really patient and helpful around the house now that normal chores are getting harder to do, and is currently Junior J's self-declared "best buddy".

Junior J demonstrating how he got his face blue.

:: This little boy, who has been such a good boy for the past few weeks.

:: Little random collections around the house that make my heart smile.

:: Friends, who willingly agree to be put on call to baby-sit at anytime of the day/night, in the event that my parents are not contactable and I have to go to the hospital...

:: Rainy days that are perfect for reading Bob books in bed, and having mock picnics using the blankets.      

What are you thankful for this week?

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 1:55 AM


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