Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Five: Family photoshoot tips (Review of Tomato Photo)

I love taking photos of the boys. There is something very satisfying in being able to capture those smiles and loving moments, which otherwise do fade away in the quick passage of time. However, one challenge about having one parent behind the lens is that family shots are really rare. Or even if you could get a passerby to help you take a shot, you usually end up with one or the other kid not looking at the camera, or the hubby looking ridiculous with his mouth wide open (usually when he's trying to tell the kids to "smile!"). So when we were given the opportunity for a photoshoot with Tomato Photo, we were really delighted!

We really enjoyed the shoot with Hart, and I'm glad that we now have more photographs of our family of four to cherish. Here are 5 tips that we've picked up, to make that photoshoot go smoothly:

:: Choose a favourite, familiar location: 
We opted for an outdoors shoot because we felt that the boys would be more comfortable running about in the park. And we chose to do the shoot at Bishan Park since it was nearby, and the boys were familiar with the place. I think another plus of having the shoot at a favourite hangout would be that looking at the photographs in the future would bring back all the fond memories that you have of that place!

:: Timing is key:
Mornings and evenings are probably the best times for a shoot, especially during the golden hours (the first and last hour of sunlight of the day). Also since we're in sunny Singapore, its probably better to have the shoot during the cooler hours, unless you want everyone to look hot and sweaty in the photos! That aside, do bear in mind your children's own rhythms and choose a time when everyone is well-rested. We opted for an evening shoot, since the boys aren't too chirpy in the morning. Thankfully, they napped in the afternoon on the day of the shoot, and were all ready to smile and play.

:: Come prepared:
For an outdoor shoot, remember to bring things you would normally bring for an excursion: mosquito repellant, water bottles, snacks, and a change of clothes for the kids (and I had to bring sour plums for myself to keep my nausea at bay!). It had rained before the shoot, so the ground was pretty muddy and the kids actually ended up pretty dirty, so the change of clothes was handy. We also let Junior J choose a toy to bring along, in the hopes that that would let him feel more comfortable in front of the camera:

You could also think of bringing along extra "props" for the kids to play with, if you think it might add interest to the shoot. Perhaps crepe paper or ribbons tied to a stick for waving about, or bubble mixture?

:: Choose a photographer that you are comfortable with:
I think the photographer really makes a difference. Not just with regards to his/her photography skills, but how comfortable he is with interacting with children. Junior J is pretty camera-shy, and pointing a camera at him and asking him to "smile" is a sure-fire way of getting him to either run and hide, or grimace in pain. However, during this shoot, Hart took the time to interact with the boys to get them comfortable with him, and the boys (even the reserved Junior J), were actually laughing and playing with him within 10 minutes of meeting him! Hart is a father of three, so it comes as no surprise how naturally kids take to him, and I think that helped him to capture lots of smiles and happy moments during the shoot.

:: Enjoy yourself!
I think a good photoshoot should feel more like a fun family outing more than anything else. I know the boys enjoyed themselves, running wild on the grass, and playing with us as well as with Hart. Its a win-win situation this way: they have fun, and we end up with lovely photographs!

All in all, we enjoyed ourselves and love the photos. Thank you, Tomato Photo!

Disclosure: We received a complimentary photoshoot as well as an album of photographs from Tomato Photo. No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions are my own.

Mum in the Making

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Whirlwind week (And a little something else)

Last week was quite a whirlwind of a week (which explains the silence on the blog). The hubby was supposed to be on leave from Tuesday, as we needed to settle lots of renovation details, from picking out sanitary ware (you never know how complicated toilet bowls can be until you have to choose one for your home!) to choosing tile colours and patterns. And baby J was scheduled for a check-up with his PD, as well as with an allergist with regards to his growth issues. In addition, we had on our schedule a playdate at the Art Museum, a talk on homeschooling, plus a music class for the boys!

To top it off, baby J managed to spill hot soup all over himself one night when we were busy meeting with our interior designer. He ended up with second degree burns on his chest, and we ended up spending two days shuttling between four doctors (his PD, the allergist, KK A&E, and plastics for wound cleaning). It was heartbreaking to hear him cry while they cleaned and dressed the wound. Thankfully, he's been a brave little fellow and has been running about like normal these days, and the burns seem to be healing well. Unfortunately, he's more or less on house arrest for the next few weeks or so. No more daily visits to outdoor playgrounds, since he sweats buckets, and we need to keep the wound clean and dry. 

And to end it all, the boys (hubby included) have fallen sick and have been having leaky noses and coughs. It has been such an exhausting time, and we're still trying to pack up and clear out of our place so that the renovations can start next week. I'm just taking it day by day, and praying we'll be able to settle everything soon. 

Whatever the case, we've been really thankful for it has been a week of blessings too, and are grateful for:

:: God's grace through it all. I don't know how we could have survived otherwise!

:: Parental help: My MIL flew down twice over the past two weekends to play with the kids, so that we could run out to settle renovation matters, and my parents have also been a great help, popping by to help out with the kids and even housework too.

:: Friends: Who have been keeping us in prayer constantly. Some lend a listening ear when you need it, some pop by with essential oils to help with the coughs and colds, some even offer to babysit. We have been so blessed to be surrounded by so much love from our friends and family! 

:: A chance to repair and renew our home. The washing machine decided to conk out on us across the week (so it joins the growing list of spoilt things in our place!), so I'm looking forward to when all these old-age problems are sorted out.

:: The boys, who make us laugh everyday. 

Which brings me to our last blessing. We went for a check-up today (yes that's the 5th doctor we've seen across the week)... and we're excited to share that we're expecting! Baby is now 12 weeks along, and seems to be growing well. It has been a pretty rough first trimester this round, but I'm just thankful that God has blessed us with another little one.

Ok, so that's all folks... now, what are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Five: Another random one

So another week has passed! And here's what's been on my mind this week:

:: I've almost forgotten how cute the 1.5 to two years old stage can be. They start picking up words, begin to show they understand when you talk to them, and they do all those cute antics like dancing and feeding you food. But of course, there are those tantrums too. Just yesterday, this little boy had a 20 minute scream fest because he didn't want to sleep, and boy can he yell! Nevertheless, I'm treasuring this stage since it passes so quickly!

:: We've been busy decluttering to prepare for the house renovation. It feels quite therapeutic to actually clear those piles of books, and sell them off to people who are interested to read them! There's still quite alot to clear, but its step by step I guess.

And links-wise, I've been fascinated with:

:: Chalkboard art. I love how chalkboard art can prettify ordinary spaces, and Dana Tanamachi really takes the art to a new level. You can view her works here.

:: Family trees. Some time ago, I spotted these lovely family trees in this post. Makes me want to DIY one to frame up!

:: Alternative kitchen photography. You know how you store a million billion items in your kitchen? We know since we have to start emptying out every.single.thing to pack them away before the reno. Well, photographer Erik Klein Wolterink has managed to photograph those billion and one things in various kitchens in Amsterdam. Click here to view his photos!

Well, here's to a blessed weekend!

PS: Thank you so much for all the comments and concern after my previous post. I'm feeling way much better. Prayer and ice cream does help too!
Mum in the Making

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: The day Mama lost it

Today didn't start off too good. The big boy woke up early, and proceeded to wake me and his brother up, so baby J was grumpy and clingy the whole day. Then baby J slipped and knocked his mouth, and ended up dripping blood all over his shirt and the floor. And I started having gastric pains.

Things got slightly better after the kids had their baths and lunches, but just before nap-time Junior J spilled his entire cup of milk all over the sofa. There was milk everywhere, all over Junior J, on me,  seeping through the cushions and the sofa itself, a puddle of milk spreading on the floor... so I dashed to get a cloth to wipe everything up. And came back to see baby J (who is allergic to dairy) happily splashing in the puddle of milk. So I had to grab him and wash him down in the tub lest he started rashing up, and thought I could leave him in the tub for a minute to clear the puddle. Which wasn't a good idea because the boy promptly slipped and fell in the tub and started crying. So he ended up being locked in the baby playpen, while crying the whole time, and I tried my best to wipe milk off everything. 

I really lost it. I guess it was an accumulation of everything that has happened the past few weeks: Junior J being difficult (they talk about the terrible twos, but the fours can be even more challenging), the onset of terrible twos for baby J, the having to sort out renovation plans, the feeling of living in chaos every single day, the feeling that I can't keep up and can't catch up. I shouted and shouted, then sent the boy to bed without his milk. 

So its ironic that its Tuesday and I'm supposed to count my blessings, and encourage you to do so too. I know we're supposed to give thanks in all circumstances, but right now, to be honest, I'm finding it rather hard to do so. I'll just leave you to share yours, and hopefully I'll be in better shape to share mine next week, OK?

Mum in the Making

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weekend wanderings: Flea market findings

I simply love flea markets. I love being able to get stuff at cheaper prices. I love digging for kid lit and vintage items amidst all the stuff for sale. And I love the idea that we're helping to do our little bit for earth too. So after blogger Evelyn shared about the SAS PTA White Elephant Sale (you can read her post about the sale last year), we couldn't resist paying a visit this morning.

The hubby wanted to come along too, so we had to bring the kids with us. Between the two of us, we managed to score a whole pile of reads (it was $10 for a big red plastic bag which you could fill with as many books as you wanted):

Some were award winners, some were classics, like those by A.A. Milne, and we scored quite a few nice board books for baby J who has earned about a reputation for being a book wrecker. While some were really old or somewhat bashed up, we were pretty pleased with our haul!

There were lots of other things being sold as well, ranging from toys, board games and puzzles, to furniture and clothes. Some of the nearby homes were also having yard sales (and apparently that's where the best buys are), but we didn't manage to check those out. However, we still managed to snag a set of Dinosaur Monopoly and a dino puzzle for Junior J, as well as a lamp-shade for our study. The boys even got toy cars as presents, from one of the mothers who had finished selling off almost all her stuff!

I think we'll definitely be back next year for the sale!

Linking up with:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Five: This week...

... has been quite a fruitful one in terms of progress. We've managed to make it to the library, the boys and I, and we also had a playdate today. The reno plans are slowly chugging along. Home-learning is still restricted to reading and phonics though, but we're adding in bits of art and craft as our materials slowly surface from our very messy home. All in all, baby steps. 

And here's 5 links that have caught my eye or picked at my brain this week:

:: "Children need wild, unlimited hours, but this time is in short supply for many, who are diarised into wall-to-wall activities, scheduled from the moment they wake until the minute they sleep, every hour accounted for by parents whose actions are prompted by the fear their child may fall behind in the rat race that begins in the nursery." I found this article thought-provoking, however, I'm not sure if the methods used by various tribes might work in a society that is no longer a safe place for children to grow up in. What do you think?

:: Child-bearing wrecks havoc on the body, every mother would tell you that. But this post was such a beautiful way to look at the scars that pregnancy leaves. 

:: I recently chanced across the works of Justin Gaffrey in this article. I really loved how wonderfully textured his paintings were! You can view more of his works here.

Photo source: My Modern Met

:: Some of these parenting hacks were pretty smart. 

:: There are many blogs written by home-schooling mums, and I always wonder how they manage to do it all: clean, cook, homeschool and blog, usually while caring for multiple kids. This honest post is reassuring that they too are normal people, with their bad days and all. 

Yup, that's all folks, and here's to a blessed weekend! I hope its one that's filled with sunshine and smiles! 

Mum in the Making

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Simple mornings

These days, our mornings are spent simply. Breakfast at home followed by a trip to the market, where Junior J loves looking at the fishes at the aquarium, and would inform the shopkeeper if he spots shrimp that have hopped out of their tank. 

Then we hit the playgrounds, and the boys get to run off all their energy. They love the assortment of play structures around our area, from tall slides to swings and all sorts of things to climb. 

"Mama, this is the zoo! I am a monkey, and baby J is a rabbit, and you are the zookeeper!"
In the end, the zookeeper was the most tired one of all, after having to chase the runaway rabbit.

I'm thankful for these simple mornings, when we don't need to rush to go anywhere. When the boys can just be boys, and run to their hearts' content.

What about you? What are you thankful for?

Mum in the Making

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Five: The month of May

Goodness, I can't believe that the week has zoomed by and its already Friday. And that we're already in the month of May! Whatever the case, here's what's been on my mind the past week:

:: Yesterday I stepped into our bathroom to find the floor flooded. Our cistern broke and had leaked all over the floor. Which seems to confirm that we are up for a major redo for the toilets, so May's going to be spent sorting out tiles and taps and whatever. 

:: Speaking of spaces, I found this peek into these spaces of creative people intriguing. My favourite is Nigella Lawson's, since her's is my idea of a dream study... one that is piled high with books!

Source: Buzzfeed

:: Baby J has started the whole cooking thing, and has been having fun with all the pots and pans and play food. Today, he counted from three to eight, which caused me to nearly fall off the bed in surprise! He's growing up so fast, and time seems to slip away quicker because we're so busy with the two of them. I'm reminding myself to treasure his toddler days before they slip away!

:: Mealtimes have been quite the nightmare, because both the boys haven't been eating well. We seem to have two boys who can survive mainly on air, and I'm hoping to work on more variety for their meals this month. Its a challenge because baby J seems to rash up with so many foods, while Junior J has suddenly decided that he only likes (and eats) things that are fried, crispy or drenched in a whole load of sauce. 

:: Finally, some of you might have read this article about letting children be bored because it encourages them to be creative, as well as develop their imagination. I admit I was reassured after reading this, because some days I feel guilty for letting Junior J potter about so much. I sometimes wonder if I should be introducing more structured activities for him, but he seems quite happy just playing with his brother and his toys, and making up his own stories. I guess this other post does have a point, that sometimes "filling time doesn't improve learning, it impedes it". What do you think?

Mum in the Making


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