Friday, March 30, 2012

Grateful Gatherings: Greetings from Germany!

Hallo!  Its been almost a week since we've moved to Germany, and time has certainly zoomed by!  We had really nice weather when we arrived, with blue skies and everything starting to burst into bloom... but its been rather cold the past few days (we're looking at lows of -2 degree Celsius this weekend).

So thus far, we've been so thankful to God for:

:: His providence and protection!

That Trunki from Junior J's godma was a life-saver for parts of the trip, since it meant
we didn't need to carry the big boy on top of all that baggage!

:: A safe journey all the way to our new home: Both flights were rather uneventful, and we made it through with our sanity, and all our cabin and checked luggage intact (We had 7 huge check-in luggages for the 4 of us, plus my mum.  The hubby was a tad unhappy about the amount of cabin luggage I had packed, since we had 3 backpacks and 1 shoulder bag between 3 adults, apart from the suitcases!)  Junior J had a night terror and screamed the plane down for awhile, and he took up two seats to sleep, which meant hubby ended up sitting on the floor for part of the flight... otherwise we all managed to catch some sleep.  Our friend helped us to book a van to drop us off at our new place, so the journey was more or less quite smooth-sailing (save for all the heavy-lifting we had to do!).

:: Thoughtful family and friends: Who showered us with thoughtful little gifts, covered us in prayer, helped us to baby-sit, car-sit and house-sit and gave us encouragement.  Who helped us lug our stuff to the airport and turned up to see us off even though it was late.  We are so blessed to have you!

:: Lovely new friends and a place to call home for a year or so:  Our friends over here were amazing.  They helped us to find an apartment (which turned out to be such a nice place in a lovely location), loaned us a mattress, pillows, lights (the place was unfurnished and didn't have lights, which supposedly is common over here for rental apartments!), and even their car.  They even helped us to get plates and cutlery to use, and passed us their old dining table and chairs!  The apartment is just about perfect for our family of 4, and Junior J has been having a good time running through all that space and has not asked to go home to SG even once!  Perhaps having these little companions in the bathroom does help:

The boy loves ladybugs, and we keep finding them wandering around the tub!

:: A fruitful first week settling in: We spent the past few days trying to sort out admin (like registering at the Rathouse), and hunting for furniture and other stuff.  Two days were spent wandering around Ikea in a nearby city buying some basic furniture and lights (which we have yet to put up!).  Poor hubby had to lug home the vacuum cleaner (big boy refused to get out of the pram) and also nearly broke his back carrying the washing machine up the stairs today (seems like the Germans really encourage you to DIY everything!).

:: My mum: She does give us a heart attack every time we step into a supermarket since she tends to go berserk (we had to verbally restrain her many times from running off when she found out that the frozen meatballs at Ikea were waaay cheaper than back in SG)... but she's been a great help with the cooking and helping us to settle in!

Ok, this was taken in SG, but I love this shot.  According to Junior J, the pebbles represent
the Great Wall, and he declared that "we are now in China!"

:: These two little boys, who are settling in pretty well: We all had minimal jet-lag since the adults were exhausted from the pre-trip prep, and the kids from the plane rides, so we just slept in and woke up late the morning after.  Baby J is more or less back to his usual schedule, except that the dry air has made his eczema flare up.  Junior J seems to be enjoying himself, and has been eating quite well since he does love bread and cheese and salad:

Lots to be thankful for.  What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thankful Tuesday: Colour my world

Hello!  Its been a busy busy week.  Running errands for the move, getting stuff, packing, dashing from appointment to medical appointment.  I've been sleeping really really late these days and have been feeling rather blue from the stress.  Hubby has been in a rather black mood too, so everyone has been quite cranky.  But I guess this period will pass, and we will make it for the flight on Friday!

So for this week, I am thankful for the colours that brighten our world:

:: Red, for Jesus' blood that cleanses and saves, when I cannot save myself:

:: Friends that are worth their weight in gold.  We've been getting tips, emails, encouragement, smses and prayers.  We have a whole bunch of friends helping to bring our luggages to the airport, someone who would be taking care of the house, a friend helping us to send our car for repair (the air con died, again!) and friends trying to pop by just to meet up for a quick goodbye.  We are so so thankful that we have you in our lives.

:: Rainbows and cheery lemon yellow surprises that are good for holding toys and everything else in between (thank you, M, again!):

Of course, the lemon-loving boy ran off with this one!

:: The vast blue sky that reminds me how big and wide is God's love for us:

:: Greens and reds of veggies that are good for eating:

So what are you thankful for this week?  Link up below and share, or if you don't have a blog, just leave a comment!

Mum in the Making

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday Made: Kusudama baby mobile

Good morning!  I made two of these kusudamas a long long time ago (for details, see here as well as here).

They were meant to be hung above Junior J's cot, but in the end he got this:

Baby J was really fascinated with his brother's mobile, and would spend a long time cooing at the birds.  Just recently, we finally managed to drill the hook above Baby J's cot, and just strung those kusudamas up: 

I initially wanted to  make another paper crane mobile, but just didn't have the time.  However, little boy seems content with his, so I'm glad!  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Saturday scrapping: Guest book

Hello!  Am allowing myself a few minutes break while having breakfast, so I'm just popping in to share the guest book that I made for the FIL's birthday party.  Loads of nature elements since he loves nature:

This is the back.  More nature!

The book basically opens up accordion-style, with all sorts of lovely notes inside from his guests at the party (Each table got a piece of cardstock to write on, and we collected everything after the dinner and I just stuck them together):

And it is tied closed with twine that is attached to the back cover (more manly than ribbon right!):

Here's how the cover looks like... I really love the 7 Gypsies conservatory collection.  Vintage and nature... two things I really love!

Ok, gotta go pack some more!  Have a great day folks!

Foodie Fridays: One week left

... before we leave that is.  Every one is asking how is packing going, and all I can say is its not going too well.   We spend most of the day minding the two boys, and by the end of the day are way too exhausted to do much.  Right now, I am patting a cranky baby J and typing this with one hand!

Cooking has taken a backseat, and we've been packing food or getting my mum to cook.  So the boy only got these bentos this week:

Now I gotta figure out how I'm gonna cook dinner with that baby stuck to me.  Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Messy Mittwoch: Today...

:: The toy tornado has left a trail of destruction around the house, and this is probably the neatest part of it:

:: The hubby and kids are sleeping in because everyone's schedule got rather messed up from the trip.  Junior J has been coughing off and on, and he threw up his dinner all over his bed and blanket and pillows and toys on Monday night, so his bedtime was pushed back even further.  We figured we might as well let them wake up later, since we do have to start getting them used to Europe time!

:: There is a whole load of laundry from the Penang trip waiting to be folded...

... and there's still unpacking to be done:

:: I'm rather overwhelmed by the kids clothes, and have no idea how to pack for the move.  I spent yesterday sneezing my head off, and sorting the boys' clothes by age.  Junior J's wardrobe is more straightforward, since he won't grow that much.  But for baby J, there's the 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-18 month clothes to factor in!

Oh well.  Gotta sort more and continue packing now!

Thankful Tuesdays: My life (or lack of it)

We thought that number 2 would be easier to bring up, since we would have more or less learnt how to care for a baby.  But this little boy proved us wrong.  Right now, for some reason or another (we suspect it may be reflux), he has been refusing to feed when he is awake, even though he may be hungry.  So the only way to get him to nurse would be to pat him to sleep (for every. single. nap.), and when he's in light sleep, to feed him.  If I were to try feeding him earlier when he's awake, he thrashes and refuses to nurse.  And if I were to miss the window period, he would be too deep in sleep to drink.  Thanks to this strange behavior of his, he has not been gaining weight well (we went to the PD today for his shots and she confirmed it).

This also means that I have to be stuck with the little boy 24/7, since I need to make sure he feeds well during naps.  Bottles don't cut it with baby J... and going out is sometimes difficult, since he doesn't feed that well when we are out and about (Fussy fellow needs to be lying down on the bed to feed).  Thanks to all these conditions, it means I don't get to go out much, and I don't have the luxury of going off and leaving him at home (or if I do, it would probably be at the expense of a proper feed!).  If we do go out for necessary errands, it usually means that his intake is compromised.

And we don't get to go out late as the little one goes to bed by 8 plus latest, and does not seem to be able to sleep outside after his bedtime has been past.  We tried to put him to bed and let him sleep during the FIL's birthday dinner, only to have him cry and fret.  Finally, we conceded defeat after he cried so much he puked on me half-way through the dinner.

I guess some would label that as having "no life".  Because we don't get to do date nights.  Because we are usually stuck with the kids (Junior J isn't very fond of being baby-sat by my mum, and tends to be very sticky to us).  Because I can't go shopping and try clothes (something not possible if you have a baby strapped to you!).  Because I can't meet friends without having to drag along a baby and diaper bag.  Because I spend mealtimes not being able to engage in adult conversations for having to feed a fidgety toddler and wipe his mouth and carry a baby and feed myself all at the same time.  

So I spent some time talking with another mum who also goes everywhere with her kids.  And I've realized that life is what you make of it.  For some, our life may be considered as having "no life"... but for us, this kind of lifestyle has been born of necessity.  Between making sure the little one has enough to drink and having a good time, the choice is clear.  I'm not saying that its wrong to enjoy oneself, but that for us, circumstances just dictate such a lifestyle.  And though we are stuck with the kids all the time... we still do have a life.  Just a different one.  I don't get to go out that much but I still keep in touch with my friends, and they are more than ready to lend me a listening ear if I need one.  I still have good friends who know that chocolate cake and Dear Lizzy stamps help to cheer a person up.  We have great church mates that keep us in prayer.  I have my hobbies, and I do spend time destressing by cutting paper and getting my fingers happily inky.  

And those sticky kids?  We know they will soon outgrow their stickiness... then we will look back and miss the days that it was still cool to give them a hug and a kiss.  Sometimes, mums with difficult kids/babies don't need your advice, well-intentioned as it is (believe me if I said that we have tried everything in our case and nothing worked!)... some empathy would be more welcome! 

So today... I am thankful for these blessings that make up our so called life, as well as:

:: Each new tomorrow.  That while we don't know what lies ahead, we can always rest on God's constancy and promises.

:: Visits to see loved ones... and loved pets.  We had a blessed time in Penang and I'm glad the boys could spend time with their grandparents, aunt and uncle.  And it was nice being able to see our little nephew...  Junior J was terrified of the dog though, which was ironic since he used to terrorize him!  

:: Seeing the boys grow up... along with all their funny antics:

We flew Jetstar to Penang.  The boy only had eyes for the "Jetcafe" menu,
and spent most of the plane ride studying all the food pictures and pretend feeding us the food!
The boy cracks me up!

This is how Junior J helps us to take care of baby J.
He covers his lil bro with Angry Birds T-shirts, and shoves piles of tissue below his mouth
to catch the drool!

:: New beginnings and new adventures ahead with our big move coming up in less than 2 weeks.

:: Lovely readers that leave encouraging comments and emails.

Life has been blessed.  What are you thankful for?  Link up below and share!

Mum in the Making

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend wanderings: Penang in pictures

Hello!  We're packing up and heading for home today, after staying almost a week in Penang.  It was one of those "take it easy" kind of trip, since it was more to visit family... as well as to celebrate the FIL's birthday (they had this big birthday dinner for him and invited a whole load of friends and family down).  We spent the first part staying with the in-laws, and shifted to the hotel for the rest of the trip since the big birthday bash was held there.  Didn't do much sightseeing (both kids' schedules were kinda messed up, so baby was rather cranky some days), but along the way, we did:

:: Eat a lot.  At least the hubby and I did!  Aside from the local food, we also had dinner at the Ship to celebrate the FIL's birthday (this was on the actual day, before the big hotel dinner):

:: Walk around a little.  I love the architecture in Penang.

:: Go to the butterfly farm and go crazy snapping photos:

:: Bring home a butterfly:

The little boy was really eager to hold a butterfly in his hand and spent the entire visit sticking his hand out,
in the hope that a butterfly could land on it.  According to the hubby, he got to release two
(I was stuck trying to put a cranky baby to sleep!), and we let him choose a butterfly to bring home...
so he was one happy kid.
:: Let the kids "play" together:

This is our 2 month old nephew!  Baby J spent some time rolling around and squealing at him.
And the grandparents had their hands full, with 3 grandsons to carry!

:: Take the ferry and go jellyfish spotting:

:: Read vintage books:

We found these at the in-laws place... books older than us!
Some of them have scrap-worthy pages
(since they look just like the patterned papers from October Afternoon!)

:: Sneakily scrap in the hotel room when the kids were sleeping:

I was frantically cutting paper for the mini albums I was hoping to bring along to Germany!

:: Steal the SIL's M&Ms and ate waaaaaaaaay too many:

I think I've put on a kilo just eating these!

:: Experience a couple of really heavy showers, and spotted a double rainbow arching across Penang bridge:

Didn't have the camera with me, so all I could get was this iPhone picture.
Hope the rainbow chases your Monday blues away!

Quite a nice break, I would say.  Now its back to packing packing packing!  Have a blessed week!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday scrapping: For the nephew

So during my bouts of night scrapping, I decided to put together a 6x6 mini album for my sister-in-law's little boy.  Since he looked like he's going to grow up to be one active, adventurous fellow, I used a whole bunch of boy-themed papers from Echo Park, and smushed them together.

Here's the back:

And one of my favourite patterned papers inside:

And the cover, which was done using stickers (from the same Echo Park collection), foam dots and pop pop popping:

Can you spot the washi tapes?
There's this washi tape craze going about in certain scrapbook circles and I can understand why.  Its remarkably versatile!

The hubby saw the album and asked "how come you don't do these boyish ones for our boys?".  Guess I am partial to flowers and butterflies, and can't help adding them to stuff I do for my own kids... after all, I can't keep saving those in the hope that we will get a girl next time right?  Heehee.  But I must say, boyish stuff can be quite fun to make too!


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