Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lil J's 2nd: Party decor

This time round, we didn't do much in terms of party decor (I'd love a dessert table, but it didn't make sense for such a small gathering, plus making the bus took up most of my time!). So we just dressed up the dining area with lots of crepe paper (just like our seaweed wall that we had at Junior J's 3rd), and blew up balloons in Lil J's favourite colour: yellow. I decided to go with more muted shades, so we used light yellow, cream and silver coloured crepe paper (the light yellow crepe was surprisingly hard to find, and we only managed to buy it at our third try, at Art Friend!). The words were outlined using a grey marker and cut out of regular white paper. My FIL gamely helped me to string everything up!

Surprisingly, even though the decorations were simple, they provided quite a bit of entertainment for the kids in themselves. They had fun running about with the extra ribbons of paper:

And by the end of the party, the two older kids had fashioned a "trap" between the play kitchen and the fan on their own accord, and absolutely refused to let us take it down:

The crepe paper curtain has long been pulled down by Lil J, but the boys are still having fun with the remnants of crepe paper, wrapping toys with it and twirling them about. I'm going to give it a few more days before I start on my cleaning rampage to clear the scraps!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Tickets please!

So you've seen our bus... but have you seen our bus stop yet? Here it is:

Junior J helped me make the sign, and helped me with the tickets (he LOVES giving out tickets!). I just cut out two slots for the coin box, one for ticket dispensing, and the other to put "coins" in.

I thought the coin box would be a nice addition (since "the money on the bus goes cling cling cling" right?). However, all his brother wanted to do was to dig out the coins!

Linking up with:
  new button
My Little Drummer Boys

Thankful Tuesday: Lil J's 2nd birthday party

We celebrated Lil J turning two over the weekend, and hosted a small lunch for the grandparents and the boys' god-parents. We thought we'd keep the party small, since we're not fans of large celebrations! So the food was simple local fare, and we had DIY popiah:

... as well as home-cooked yummies from both grandmas:

There was even a small side party going on!

I'm glad there was something yummy for everyone. (Lil J loved his konnyaku, while Junior J loved the chocolate cake... which unfortunately the birthday boy couldn't eat, thanks to his egg allergy!)

Everyone was busy chatting or playing. And I hope they all had a good time!

Am just very thankful that we could celebrate the little boy's birthday in such a simple manner, and that we could have friends and family to celebrate the occasion with.

Happy birthday, my Lil J! We love you so much!

Mum in the Making

Monday, October 28, 2013

Zva Creative October DT Blog Hop!

Zva Creative and my fellow Design Team members welcome you to our October blog hop! This month we are celebrating fall and Halloween and are excited to be sharing our new work with you! Thanks so much for joining us!

Today's Blog Hop begins at Zva Creative's Facebook pageBe sure head on over to check it out! 
Here's a list of participants (in case there is a glitch along the way):

As you know, Zva offers many beautiful color groupings for pearls, flowers and crystals.  If you like what you see along the hop you can find a list of stores and online retailers that sell Zva here.

We aren't experiencing autumn over here in sunny Singapore, and we don't celebrate Halloween, so I'm sharing a really simple sign that I made for a friend's baby, which was made from an old CD. I used Zva's pretty roses:

... and a pink pearl flourish, along with some Dear Lizzy papers and embellishments.

And there you have it, a simple little sign that could go on the nursery room door!

If you would like to play along with our design team, just follow along the blog path.  I am linking to one of the Zva designers and that designer is linking to the next and so on. Be prepared to be inspired along the way!

The Blog Hop starts today, October 28th and runs through midnight US Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, October 29th.

Hidden on FIVE of the designer's blogs is a Zva Creative prize package! Winners will be randomly chosen after the hop is over. All you need to do is leave a comment on this Blog Hop post... you do not need to leave a comment on each and every designer's blog post to qualify. However, the more times you comment along the blog hop path, the more chances you will have to win.

The 5 winners will be announced on Wednesday, October 30th on Zva Creative's Facebook page!
We also thought it would be more fun to add even more chances to win our blog hop prize! 

To increase your chances of winning:
* Comment to let us know that you posted on your Facebook page about our hop (link to any of the blog hop posts)
* Comment to let us know that you "tweeted" about our hop (link to any of the blog hop posts)
* Comment to let us know that you asked your local store to carry Zva creative products.  If they already do, that's fantastic, maybe you can suggest other products that they don't carry.

The blog hop begins here at Zva Creative's Facebook page! Your next stop is Marilia Lope's blog. Enjoy and thank you for joining us!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday Made: The wheels on the bus

Lil J loves his vehicles. In particular, he is obsessed with the song "The wheels on the bus", and has verses of the song down pat. He also loves the colour yellow. So when his birthday drew near, we decided that we would make him a yellow bus out of cardboard for his birthday present. 

Junior J wanted to paint the bus yellow, but the yellow poster paint didn't show up very well when applied directly on the box. I contemplated just buying yellow paper, and wrapping the whole box (which seemed like the most effective way to go about it), but the boy had his heart set on painting the bus for his lil brother, so we ended up wrapping the box up with masking tape and painting on that instead. 

Lengths of masking tape and oodles of yellow paint later, we added another smaller box in front, and cut the grilles and lights out of cardboard and wrapped them in aluminum foil: 

The hubs helped with all the cutting for the windows (we had two with flaps so they could open and close), and reinforced the insides with more cardboard so that the whole thing didn't collapse. Then I used black insulating tape and duct tape for the window borders (and to "seal" the edges of the windows), and blue disposable plates secured with Makedo clips for the wheels (we couldn't find any black plates!).

For the dashboard inside, I drew in a fuel gauge and tachometer (I was clueless about all the meters, so I actually had to google the components of the dashboard!)...

... as well as a speedometer and odometer. The needles were just secured using craft brads from Daiso.

The steering wheel was just a disposable plate, secured again with a Makedo clip. I admit, I was contemplating adding a gear stick, but trying to figure out the mechanics of using cardboard to make one escaped me, and I thought the kids would probably ruin that quite quickly!

For the back of the bus, we just added rear lights and I couldn't resist a little license plate. And I added wipers (so Lil J could do his "wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish" thing):

And of course, before you own a vehicle, you had better bring it for a test drive. So how did it fare?

Lil J loved it. He'd sit inside and fiddle with the dashboard, and scoot along his bottom dragging the bus along with him (its too heavy for him to lift from the sides), and pretend to beep the horn (I tried looking for a squeaky toy for the horn, but couldn't find anything suitable!). The kids all squished inside it during his birthday party. There was always one kid or another driving this about. 

It was a tight squeeze for three, and quite cramped if you have two kids sitting inside, but it's just nice for two kids to stand inside. All in all, I think the bus passes the little boy's vehicle inspection!

PS: I think we have this strange obsession with working with cardboard boxes. Click on the links to view our cardboard play kitchen and fridge!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We're a lil busy...

Hello! Things are looking to be a lil busy for the next few weeks. Whatever the case, Junior J and I are rather tied up with a big project right now, so it might be a little quiet here for the week. We'll still be updating the FB page with our fav reads though... but I must admit I'm enjoying the time away from social media and the internet.

Meanwhile, I've hit the 33 week mark, and am feeling like the belly can no longer stretch any further (but I guess it'll have to, since we still have 4 weeks to term!). So if you do meet me, and need something to talk about, try the weather, or our current project. Or ask me what baby #3's name is going to be (yes, it will start with J). Please don't start by telling me my belly is huge (or inquire if I have twins) because everyone tells me that!

PS: If I don't make it in here on Friday, you can still link up your Friday Five posts here!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Thankful Tuesday: And you are two...

Dearest Lil J,
Yesterday, you turned two. And marked the big day by falling off the sofa, getting into a big fight with your brother about using the play kitchen, falling and getting stuck in a basket, and having three pee accidents. Which is so you, always getting into scrapes, and always in the thick of the action at home.

Its been such a journey seeing you grow from this tiny little thing...

... to being a feisty little baby:

And now you are all "grown up" and a big boy, with a mind of your own ("No unnerpants, diaper ONLY!" you proclaim, which is why potty training has been so difficult). You are stubborn and very opinionated about certain things, and quite the little imp. You are the happiest when you have something clutched in your hands, be it some game counters or foam alphabets... and you are always picking and holding on to leaves and flowers when we are outdoors.

You are a little foodie. You refuse to wake up from your naps, but just rustle a packet of dried mango and offer you a slice, and you are up and awake in a split second. You love munching on fries and you love your pasta. And you're getting really good in peeling and feeding yourself edamame:

Another thing you are really good at: pasting stickers everywhere except in your notebook.

Lemon gives you rashes, but you still insist on eating slices of it from our drinks:

You are always singing songs (your favourite is still "The Wheels on the Bus"), and your little performances always make us laugh. I've always wondered how you and your brother would get along, but it seems that while both of you fight every day, you two also get along very well. Its been a joy seeing how you play together, and how you give him hugs if he is crying.

You're going to be a big brother soon, and I think its going to be a time of adjustment for you, as you get used to being both a didi and a koko. Meanwhile, remember that we love you very very much, and thank God for you every single day.

Your Mama.

Mum in the Making

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Five: Road-trip packing

Our family goes on road trips pretty often. One of the most frequent trips we have to make would be the eight plus hour drive up to hubby's hometown in Penang. Aside from that, we've also made various road-trips across Europe for the year we were based there. Going by how often I've had to pack for these trips, you'd think that packing would be a breeze for me. Unfortunately though, I still am quite a slow packer, plus I have a tendency to overpack (with two boys under five in the car, who might just throw up sometime during the journey, I'd rather be safe than sorry!).

So here's five things that are must-haves in the car when we travel:

:: Music and audio books: This is mainly to keep the hubs awake when he's driving, and Junior J likes listening to stories when we travel (This is one of our favourites. With 11 stories, its also value for money! We also like BBC's version of Winnie the Pooh.)

:: Plastic bags: For collecting trash, and the occasional vomiting incident.

:: Dried fruit: Snacks are a must, especially on long journeys when you may not be able to find lunch/dinner on time. The boys love snacking on raisins, banana chips (we like the ones from Bollywood Veggies since they are unsweetened), and everyone loves dried mango. I know, its all sugary, but at least they are better than lollipops and other sweets. 

:: Drinks: Usually its just cold water for everyone, plus milk for the kids. The kids also like slurping on Heinz's fruit Splats on hot days (we freeze these the day before and just leave them to slowly thaw out in the car). 

:: Change of clothes: This is for the kids. Again, for cases if they throw up. Or for pee accidents (you know how they always need to go NOW when you're whizzing down the expressway with no rest-stop in sight for the next 10 km?).

How about you? What's your packing style, and what are your must-haves for road trips? 

Mum in the Making

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: How the Apple logo came to be...

Lil J says this every single time he sees the Apple logo, be it on our laptops or iPhones:

"J bite apple! Yum yum, very nice!"

So now you know why the apple is never complete... ;)

PS: Have you taken a peek at all these wonderful fridges? There are even some on Instagram. Just check the hashtag #alookatmy to get a glimpse of them!

Linking up with:
  new button
My Little Drummer Boys


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