Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Still thankful

We've been on the road as hubby had to attend a conference across the weekend. Unfortunately, the boys have fallen sick, so we've been stuck in the apartment, hiding from the sub-zero temperatures. They have been feverish and coughing, and we had every intent to head back home. However, our home back in Germany is undergoing painting, so we decided to continue with the second leg of our trip, with the hopes that the warmer weather would help in the boys' recovery.

In the midst of dealing with puke (with no washing machine!), cranky kids and runny noses, I tried to take time to count those blessings, and found that there was plenty to be thankful for:

:: That my mum is currently visiting. We do get on each others' nerves very often, but she's been a great help, lending a hand with the washing and cooking and helping us with the kids. It helps to have an extra pair of hands since I'm also down with a cold.

:: We managed to spend a day exploring the Neuschwanstein castle before they fell sick.

:: For a place to stay and hide from the cold weather. And mountain views that remind me of how great God is.

:: For meds that help the fever & sniffles, and stuff to keep the kids occupied while coped up at home...

What are you thankful for?

Mum in the Making

Monday, February 25, 2013

Zva Creative February Blog Hop!

I've been designing for Zva Creative for a few months now, and I'm excited to take part in their blog hop today! So if you're visiting, hello and thanks for dropping by!


Zva Creative and our talented Design Team welcome you to our February blog hop! We are very excited about month's hop and are excited to share our new work with you!

Today's Blog Hop begins at Zva Creative's blogBe sure head on over to check it out! Since many of us live in different time zones around the world, you will find a complete list of all the participating blogs there (in case there is a glitch along the way). 

As you know, Zva offers many beautiful color groupings for pearls, flowers and crystals. If you like what you see along the hop you can find a list of stores and online retailers that sell Zva HERE.

And here's two tags I made using Zva pearls, flowers and leaves, for two little girls we know:

If you would like to play along with our design team, just follow along the blog path. I am linking to one of the Zva designers and that designer is linking to the next and so on. Be prepared to be inspired along the way!
The Blog Hop starts today, February 25th and runs through midnight US Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, February 26th.

Hidden on FIVE of the designer's blogs is a Zva Creative prize package! Winners will be randomly chosen after the hop is over. All you need to do is leave a comment on this Blog Hop post... you do not need to leave a comment on each and every designer's blog post to qualify. However, the more times you comment along the blog hop path, the more chances you will have to win.

The 5 winners will be announced on Wednesday, February 27th on Zva Creative's blogWe will do our best to notify each winner, but it's best if you can pop in to Zva's blog on Wednesday to see if you are a winner!

We also thought it would be more fun to add even more chances to win our blog hop prize!  To increase your chances of winning:
* Comment to let us know that you posted on your Facebook page about our hop (link to any of the blog hop posts)
* Comment to let us know that you "tweeted" about our hop (link to any of the blog hop posts)
* Comment to let us know that you asked your local store to carry Zva creative products.  If they already do, that's fantastic, maybe you can suggest other products that they don't carry.
*Hop over to Zva's facebook page and "like" our page or leave a comment there to tell us that you stopped by.

The blog hop begins here at Zva Creative's blog. Your next stop is Windy Robinson. Enjoy!

Thank you for joining us!

P.S. Mark your calendar to join us again on March 25th for our next Zva blog hop!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Saturday Scrapping: 33-34 months

Hello! Am just popping by to share two more pages from Junior J's album

Papers from Echo Park's "This and That" collection, and flowers and bling from Zva Creative. Here's to a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to keep your baby occupied for 20 minutes #4

Its a simple simple idea. Match the lids to their containers!

All you need are clean, empty plastic containers:

... and let baby have a go at them!

Linking up with:
  new button

My Little Drummer Boys

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Teaching, then and now

I used to teach Biology in a Secondary school. And I enjoyed it. The buzz you get being able to teach a difficult concept, and have the kids understand it. The sense of achievement seeing the students struggle and grow and learn, as they worked their way through SYFs, science research, exams, and whatever else school life threw at them. The infectious energy that cannot help but spread to you whenever you walked into a classroom. The wonderful colleagues who were also my friends.

Yes, there were challenges too. Having to teach an entire level of 14 year old boys about human reproduction (they were very enthusiastic about the topic of course, and that was probably the ONLY chapter in the textbook that they ever read BEFORE the lesson was conducted... however, the spelling of "uterus", "urethra" and "ureter" managed to confuse quite a few of them). Having to deal with all sorts of disciplinary issues (once, the boys apparently smuggled out a heart after a dissection lesson, and tried to throw it up at the fan). There was the long hours, staying back to lock up the band room. There was the non-stop work, and marking and additional meetings and extras. 

But I did find the work fulfilling. At least the teaching part of it. It was fun, teaching plant reproduction and having fruit parties in class, where the kids even brought along durians. It was amazing seeing the students grow up and graduate. It was fulfilling, teaching a subject that I loved, explaining about how everything was made just so. 

And now? I still teach, but my class size has shrunk to two. And I no longer just teach Biology, I have to teach so many other things. Each day is spent teaching lessons in patience, in obedience, while I myself learn those lessons of being patient and being obedient. Each day is spent teaching little things like being kind, and doing the right thing and how to say "I'm sorry" when you're wrong. 

While I sometimes miss the energy and the buzz from the regular classrooms, I am thankful that learning isn't confined to the classrooms and to textbooks. 

I am grateful that while life is a whole lot messier and dirtier than before, I am there to witness each and every milestone achieved. 

I am thankful that while each day brings non-stop cleaning, and breaking up fights and soothing bumps and disciplining little ones who don't seem to register anything that you're saying... each day also brings little mercies that make staying home not a burden, but a joy: the singing and dancing with wild abandon, the silly antics that bring laughter, the hugs and the "I love you"s.

While I miss the financial independence, the sense of fulfillment from work, having time apart from kids and home... I am thankful that I've had this privilege to stay home, and I am grateful for the hubby's support. It's certainly is a blessing to be able to be at home and witness your kids grow up. After all, these years would be gone in a flash, and I want to be there while they happen.

What are you thankful for?

Mum in the Making

Linking up with:
$AHM Linky Badge photo NetWorthSAHMbadge_zpsf095377d.jpg

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Saturday Scrapping: 35-36 months

It's going to be a really busy weekend as my mum is coming up to visit, plus we'll be doing house repairs. Next week is going to be a really packed too! So I'm just popping by to share two of the pages of Junior J's milestones album which I recently completed (yes I'm really behind!):

Embellies are mainly from Echo Park's "This and That" collection. I really love that line! And of course, the crystals and pearls are from Zva Creative. Gotta run now, here's to a blessed weekend ahead!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love is... (A Valentine's day canvas)

Junior J and I created a little canvas on love for Valentine's day! He painted a rainbow using watercolours, and I cut out heart shapes from that rainbow:

Then during their nap time (well he was supposed to nap but he didn't!), I penciled in the aspects of love from 1 Corinthians 13 into the hearts:

Then I stuck down the hearts onto a little canvas, along with some chipboard lettering. Our very own little love canvas, in less than 15 minutes! (If you want more ideas, you can take a peek at the V'day envelopes and saltdough hearts that we made last time.)

Here's wishing you a blessed Valentine's day. May it be one spent with your loved ones!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to keep your baby occupied for 20 minutes #3

The materials are simple. The concept is straightfoward.

But it isn't as easy as it appears! 
(To make it easier, snip off the shorter part with the bent section.)

(Need to keep baby occupied? More ideas here and here.)

Linking up with:
  new button
My Little Drummer Boys

Monday, February 11, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Blessed CNY!

Hello! Its been a quiet Chinese New Year for us over here. It seemed rather odd, seeing photos of everyone's kids dressed up, as well as all those festivities on FB, while life over here has been just the same. However, we did manage to dress up in red on Sunday for church, and managed to get an ok family shot using the timer on the camera! :)

So thankful that CNY is all about family, and that we can spend the time together, even away from home. And we're thankful for our thoughtful DG mate who sent us CNY goodies, and our friends and family back home!

How has your CNY been? What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making
; "

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thinking Thursdays: I spy, CNY!

Recently, our bible study group mate sent us a bunch of yummies for Chinese New Year, and those were quickly finished. Mainly by me (oops), and now we don't have any goodies for Chinese New Year itself! However, its is no biggie, since its going to be a really quiet CNY over here. 

Anyway, we were left with this plastic container, and I decided to do an "I Spy" jar for Junior J (we did those filled with rice previously in this post). 

I realized that we have quite a few photographs (from the blog) on Chinese New Year, so I compiled some to represent some of the common practices for CNY (you can get the printable here!):

Then I topped the jar with random fillers like ribbons, confetti, bits of cut up red paper:

And now Junior J has his own "I, Spy, CNY!" jar...

... that even has him in it!

Here are the photos, which you can print and use in your own CNY jar. Perhaps it might keep the kids busy during the long bus/car/train rides when they are out visiting!
Photos of the dragon and the lion from Wikipedia. All other photos were obtained from this blog.

Happy Chinese New Year in advance, and we'll be back next week, hopefully with a Valentine's day craft to share!


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