Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Messy Mittwoch: Our washi vase

Hello!  I've been desperately trying to catch up on housework after our trip (there is a HUGE pile of clothes waiting to be folded as I type this), but I hope to be back to blogging soon.  Meanwhile, here's one of my favourite corners of our currently messy house, the window sill which has been designated our nature corner.  Junior J places all his findings here, and to house his twigs we used a tin can.  And we washi-taped the can to give it some spring-time colours!

Gotta cook, I hope you've been having a blessed week!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Grateful Gatherings: What travelling teaches me

Hello!  We just spent a week or so in London and the internet in the hotel strangely didn't allow me to get into Blogger.  However, we've crossed back over to Belgium, so I'm just popping in for a rather late "Grateful Gatherings" post.

It has been rather tiring travelling around, with a rather opinionated 3 year old, and a teething baby that cannot seem to nap when we're out.  However, it has brought us to many places of beauty, from the white cliffs of Dover, to poppies growing wild on the side of the roads.  And these remind me of the amazing hands of our Creator who made them. 

Then there is all that architecture, from Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament, to the quaintness of doors and housefronts of the houses in Belgium.  And creativity, ranging from the brushstrokes of Turners and Monets, to the pain-staking reassembly of dinosaur skeletons.  I cannot help but marvel at how God made us to be able to create so much beauty in this world.

Having been to England and Belgium has also made us very grateful that we are staying in Germany instead.  Things in general seem cheaper, we have access to a farmers' market with the freshest of produce (we ate many sad salads in London), and food options are healthier too (loads more salads, less over-sugared puddings!).

This trip has also been a good break for me, not having to cook or clean for a week.  I am so thankful for the hubby, who is able to battle the crazy traffic in London, and drive on both sides of the road.  It has also been nice spending time with family and seeing the kids grow up a little more.  During this trip, Baby J has sprouted his first tooth and has increased his baby babble repertoire to include "theres" and loads of "yayaya"s, while Junior J has suddenly become crazy about dinosaurs and has been going around sprouting six-syllable dinosaur names.

All in all, very blessed.  What are you thankful for?

Mum in the Making

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thinking Thursdays: Our leaf book

Hello!  Am just popping by to share something that Junior J and I have been making recently.  The boy loves going on walks and picking up leaves to bring back, and a friend suggested keeping those leaves in a book.  I thought that was a great idea, especially since Junior J would leave them lying everywhere in the house, and the leaves would crumble and leave a mess!

The book cover is made from a cardboard envelope (again, from the Book Depository!).  He got to stamp the cover with various types of leaves and paint, and we also used a home-made foam stamp (again, from a bottle cap and some craft foam).  

Open up the book, and you'll find loads of pages of leaves collected on our walks around the neighbourhood.  Before we stuck the leaves down, we put the leaves under the paper, and the boy got to make imprints using crayons:

I found it a really good exercise in developing finger strength, since you do need to apply some force to colour over the bumpy surface!

And everything is tied together with a bit of twine:

We're still adding to this collection, and eventually hope to get down to identifying the trees that the leaves came from!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Thankful Tuesdays: Mother's Day

The hubby isn't the type that celebrates occasions.  For Mother's day, he even asked me what I wanted to do!  But we did have a nice Sunday lunch after church at this little place called "Royals and Rice" which served Vietnamese food.  Their Vietnamese turned out to be more Asian than anything, but I was glad to have clear beef soup and fried wantons for a change.  Anything is probably better than German food, which we've concluded isn't anything to shout about!   

The eatery had comfy sofas, and a rather nice view of the church next to it:

And the mango pannacotta was decent.

And at night, the hubby declared he would do the cooking and washing up for a change.  (These days I have been cooking everyday since eating out isn't cheap.  W usually only eat out for Sunday lunches and sometimes Saturday lunches, so not having to stand at a stove/sink was quite a nice change.)  So I hung around with the kids and read to them, while he pottered in the kitchen and came up with this:

It turned out pretty good, and he cooked everything without referring to any recipes... save for the rhubarb sauce which I had stewed up the day before:

I really love the seasonal veggies here!

All in all, quite a pleasant way to spend the day with family.  But of course, what I'm most thankful for would be having the opportunity to just spend time with those 3 boys of mine!

A rare family shot taken at Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands.  Tulips by the millions!

I hope all you mothers out there had a blessed Mother's Day.  What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Friday, May 11, 2012

Foodie Fridays: Updates from our plates

Hiya!  So its Friday and the boys have gone out for a walk with their Papa.  I need to cook dinner, but thought I'd just update this blog with some of the bentos the boy has been getting!  Also, I've been getting questions about the how-tos for bento-making, so I'll probably try to post a FAQ for the most frequently asked questions across the next few Fridays.  If you do have any questions, do feel free to drop me a comment and I'll try to answer them ok?

Stir-fried beans with dried shrimp, scrambled eggs with capsicum.

Fried rice!

Spinach ravioli.  The boy loved it!
The broccoli was overcooked, because we put it in the rice cooker and went out! :p

Spaghetti with tuna...

Stir-fried chicken with mushroom and fusilli.

This was one of those busy, frantic days, where I just dug around in the kitchen
to find stuff for lunch.  So much for meal-planning!

Another busy day bento lunch.  And tulips to remember our trip to Keukenhof gardens!

Ok, will share more dishes the next round and answer your questions... til then, have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thankful Tuesdays: Trapped

There are days where I feel trapped.  Like the past few days, where there is the endless cycle of chores, children, cleaning, blending into a haze of tiredness.  The baby has been very cranky for the past week, waking up every 2 hours or so at night, crying during the day when he gets put down, and he's not been napping well.  The big boy has been having tantrums off and on, some which result in screaming and crying.  I've been cooking and cleaning and things just doesn't seem to ease off.  Just a few days back, the hubby casually remarked that he bought the sofa but didn't get to use it... since it was buried under a mountain of clothes waiting to be folded, but I just didn't have the time!

And then there was today, with its series of unfortunate events.  First, Junior J took a tumble down a flight of steps when we were headed out to the supermarket.  Then he decided to hop down the steps after we were done shopping and dropped the tub of yoghurt he was carrying, and it splattered yoghurt everywhere... Finally, when I was out in the balcony hanging out the laundry, the big boy decided to do something he'd never done before: close the balcony door, and turn the handle.  Which effectively meant I was locked outside, with the two kids inside the house.  I've heard of kids getting themselves locked IN, into change rooms, or rooms in their house, but I've not heard of kids locking their parents OUT.  At least not on purpose!

So I was outside, shouting instructions to the boy to turn the handle.  The thing about the glass doors in Germany: their handles are able to turn 180 degrees.  Turn it to point upwards, and the door tilts to allow air to enter from the top of the door, turn it to point downwards and it locks.  The handle must be in a horizontal position for the door to open, and this handle was inside the house.  Junior J, try as he might, could not turn the handle to the correct position as he was too short.  I asked him to climb onto the window sill that was just next to the door, but again, he was unable to adjust the handle.  He got frustrated and nearly started crying, and I was panicking.  Even if I figured out how to jump off the balcony to the garden below (we stay on the 2nd storey), I did not have the keys to open our house door, and the keys were not accessible to the kids.  My handphone was inside the house so I couldn't call the hubby.  And if I were to shout and someone were to hear me, they too, would not be able to get into the house, and Junior J could not reach the lock to the main door.  So I muttered a quick prayer.  And then I asked the boy to push his high chair to the door.  He climbed up his chair (we are using a Tripp Trapp which allow kids to climb up and down on their own), and after loads of shouting instructions to turn the handle up or down (as he kept turning it too high or too low), he managed to adjust it to the correct angle for me to open the door.

So lesson learnt.  In times when you are trapped, pray.  And just do the next thing.  And somehow, you'd make it through, with God's grace.  Oh, and always watch out for kids fiddling with doors.

Ok, and this is really late, but my thankful list for the week:

:: Our Father, who gets us out of the tightest of spots.  And who gives strength when you feel like you can't go on.

:: This big boy.  He drives me crazy some days with those tantrums, but most days he's simple and easily contented.  Nothing makes him happier than for him to just sit amidst the grass and pick daisies:

:: This little baby, who is delighted when you take time to play with him:

:: Walks when we make it out.  Because we never know what we might chance upon, be it showers of blossoms:

... or pretty white blooms.

:: Thoughtful friends and happy mail days (thanks, SY, once again!):

:: Little pockets of beauty spotted, like this plant bursting with purple flowers (plus that zebra-striped scooter!), which make life a little prettier:

What are you thankful for?

Mum in the Making

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Monday Made: The cardboard fridge

Hello!  I've been wanting to make a cardboard kitchen for the big boy, but only got down to working on it the past week.  I've not figured out the kitchen counter yet, but we managed to find some kraft paper tape at the craft store last week, and I got down to making the boy a refrigerator cum freezer:

This was essentially a box that our Ikea Malm drawer unit came in.  So I just cut it up to make the 2 separate doors, added handles, and added shelves and plastered the whole thing with kraft tape.  I'm especially happy with the two little shelves on the inside of the fridge door that are meant for storing cheese and eggs.  Those were made from the flaps at the end of a thinner box, where I just needed to cut the ends off and fold and tape!

Right now his freezer is full of "ice-cream", which are actually yoghurt containers.
His play food is kept in an assortment of recycled plastic containers. 

Now I've gotta figure out how to make the kitchen counter and stove-top.  The biggest headache for me would be making the sink!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thinking Thursdays: Art for "We're Going on a Bear Hunt"

Meet Mr Bear.  We've been reading all about him in the past 2 weeks, in all forms, mainly in cuddly teddy bear tales (click here for the list of bear titles).  And last week, we did some art work to give him some landscapes to run through (I'm sorry if he appears blur in the photos, since he was running too fast! :p):

So here goes... We're going on a bear hunt!  We're going to catch a big one!

The boy drew all the backgrounds for me.  The little blue squiggle on top of the door is a window, according to him.
The door opens so that the people can run away from the bear and shut the door!

Uhoh!  Grass!

We cut the green strips of paper together, and he pasted down the flowers that I had pre-cut for him.

Uhoh!  A river!  Splash splosh, splash splosh!

The boy got to paint the background blue, then he added fish cut out by Papa from aluminium foil. 

Mud!  Thick oozy mud!  We can't go over it, we can't go under it...

We had to mix our own brown paint but the best we could come up with was this shade of muddy maroon.  The bottom was brown construction paper, dipped in water and scrunched up for texture.

Oh no!  We've got to go through it!  Stumble trip, stumble trip!

We rolled up brown strips of construction paper as tree trunks,
and cut the bottom bits into strips to represent the tree roots.  

Hooowhooooo, hooowhooooo!

This was toilet paper, plus white paint! 

Uhoh!  A cave!  A narrow, gloomy cave!  Tiptoe tiptoe...

We used newspaper to make the cave walls, then mixed up grey paint and the boy painted away!

Es ist ein Bär!!!  (We chanced upon a copy of the book in German, so we bought it too to read!)

Ok, anyway.  All the scenes were painted on strips cut out from a cardboard envelope (those you get from  Book Depository when you order books), and I added signboard descriptions using some leftover cardboard.  These I read out to the boy and he matched them to the scenes and we glued them down.  And finally, we read the book again, and we linked up the scenes and stuck them in a straight line using tape, so that the bear has plenty of room to run:

The boy had quite a bit of fun getting messy with paint and glue.  We also went for walks and squelched through mud, trudged through grass, and pretend-splashed through water.  Now that we're done with bears, we'll be exploring the Netherlands this week!

Update: Click here to read another mum's take on exploring this story!


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