Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thankful Tuesday: Looking for loveliness

Oh dear!  A week has sped by again and I'm late for today's post, my apologies!  So its been the usual busy week over here, but one highlight for me the past week was having a short crop (scrap party) last weekend.  It was nice meeting up with other scrappy friends, and I realize that each one of us, scrappy or not, are always looking out for loveliness, be it in that rainbow after the rain, or sunsets, or even in the little kind deeds of others. I guess all that little bits of loveliness around us do help to point us heaven-ward... where there will be loads more loveliness!

So here's my little list of loveliness that I'm thankful for:

:: God whispering His promises through His word.

:: The kindness of friends, like the ones we have in Germany who are helping us to find an apartment.

:: Baby soft-skin.  That's has seen a whole load of improvement eczema-wise.

:: Sound sleep, when it does come.  (This little guy has taken to rolling over and sleeping on his tummy sometimes, which seems to help his reflux a whole lot.)

:: Playtime, and the creative mumblings and role-play that go along with it:

:: Cold, fresh fruits on hot sunny days.

:: Sunshine for romps at the playground:

:: Little pleasant surprises from crafty friends:

What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday scrapping: Baby J's album

Hello hello!  Both boys are sleeping so I thought I'd pop in to post some photos of an album I did for Baby J to chronicle his milestones.  I figured that a mini album would be easier compared to those 12x12 layouts that I used to do every month for Junior J... And if you're wondering "What!  She whines that she doesn't have time to pack but still can scrap!", I've been allowing myself about 20 minutes or so to do a little bit of cutting and pasting, on some nights when things are not so crazy.  It helps to keep me sane!

So here is the album, which is in my fav size (6x6):

I love these lil wooden alpha tiles! :)

Butterfly punches are the best, ever!

I'm starting to get rather fond of crocheted embellies. :)  

And here's the full thing:

The lil bird is whispering something into his ear!

I realized I'm starting to be a lot more comfortable with scrapping with more colour... and including pink in my projects.  This lil book was made using papers from Sassafras, happy chirpy colors are just the thing for babies I think!  Will be filling it up as we go along... :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Foodie Fridays: The week in bentos

Just popping in to share the bentos Junior J has been getting for the past week or so...

This was when he was sick.  Kway teow in ikan bilis soup.
The stuff on skewers are cherry tomatoes, quail eggs and fish balls.
I didn't have time to box it up, but I guess that's not the point!

One of his breakfasts.

Spinach pasta with chicken in tomato sauce.
Capsicum and mushrooms on skewers, greek yoghurt for dipping.

Vehicle pasta!  I love the trains especially.  

Mee sua with pumpkin, fish and wolf berries.  Edamame and cucumber.
He started grabbing food before I could even take a shot, hence his hand in the picture!

This didn't go too well: Spinach pasta with bolognese sauce.
He really isn't fond of beef! 

My current fav box, a recent find from Daiso.  Two layers, which is perfect for
keeping the carbs below, and the other stuff on top (the top compartment has a divider).

Gotta run!  Have a blessed weekend!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thankful Tuesdays: Arise and shine

I've always thought that things would get easier as baby grows older.  I was wrong.  Baby J, who used to be quite an easy baby, has morphed into this really difficult infant, who refuses to feed until he is asleep.  He thrashes and cries and refuses to nurse when he's awake, so it has been a lot of patting and rocking to get him to sleep (while trying to care for Junior J too, who has a tendency to wake his brother up).  Then he's been waking up frequently at night, so some nights I've had him stick to me for the entire night.   Couple this with having to take care of a 3 year old with a mind of his own, and I've had a couple of melt-downs (some from Junior J, and some from me).  Then there's the packing, which is overwhelming.  I'm still decluttering and throwing out stuff, and trying to sort out clothes for the kids (which is going to be a long long task since they have so much), and all this is done in the middle of the night, since its impossible to get anything done during the day.  There is still so much to do: find an apartment that doesn't cost a bomb to rent (and that is willing to take in 2 kids), find a kindy to register Junior J in for 2013, clear out the house (that's gonna take at least 2 weeks), buy stuff like dried goods for the move, ship stuff over, get baby J's shots, find a cleaning lady to do occasional cleaning when we are away... and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

All this has been slowly eating into me, and I am worn out.  Its like I am doing everything wrong: can't seem to get dinner to the table on time, can't seem to say the right things to the hubby, can't seem to find a rhythm to fit both kids, can't seem to find time to pack, can't seem to feel excited about this once in a lifetime move.  I feel guilty that I don't seem to have time to sit down to craft with Junior J, or plan activities for him, and that I've not been cooking much for the whole family.

So in these periods of feeling really really down, I've started to do my quiet time in the mornings again, if I manage to sneak away from baby J before he wakes up.  Its like my dried-up heart desperately needs some filling up, otherwise I can't seem to face another day of challenges.  And recently, I read this:  

"The inspiration of God is required if drudgery is to shine with the light of God upon it.  In some cases the way a person does a task makes that work sanctified and holy forever.  It may be a very common everyday task, but after we have seen it done, it becomes different.  When the Lord does something through us, He always transforms it." - Oswald Chambers

That thought lifted me up, that I can arise and shine, no matter how low I have sunk, only through God's grace and strength.  That while I stumble and fall, when I lose my temper, while I get criticized or misunderstood, I can still get up, but only through Him.  That perhaps in all the mundanity there is still some meaning.  And there was also the reminder, that all music is made in stress.  The plucked string, the voice lifted, the pressed keys on the instrument... all resound only with pressure.  Perhaps all this is a reminder to keep clinging on, lest I think I am able or capable on my own strength.  That we can all make music, provided we choose to be instruments in God's hands, wherever we are placed.

So I am thankful for the little bright spots that filter in each day, which sometimes seem brighter shining through the dim days that we've been having: 

:: The brothers playing together:

Baby J is a crocodile and I am feeding him meat!

:: Rare naps on his own:

:: The cheeriness of children, who embrace the moment, and know how to play:

:: Peaceful family moments:

:: Witnessing growth and the conquering of milestones:

Just 1 month ago, he had to be pushed on his bike.  Now he's zooming at top speed!

So now its your turn.  What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekend wanderings: We made it!

Call me a ninny, but I've yet to venture out alone with both the boys.  I've no problems bringing either of the boys out, but not together.  So when we missed the Saturday service last week (We had lunch with the hubby's friends on Saturday to chat about their stay in Germany, and Junior J's nap got pushed back), I was very hesitant about bringing the kids to church on my own on Sunday (hubby was supposed to be working).  In the end I decided to give it a try, and after a lot of chasing and rushing we managed to get out of the house and into a cab:  

I thought I could just drop Junior J off at Sunday school, and then I'd just have to manage baby J during the service.  Turned out that there was family service instead, where the kids stay with their parents thoughout the entire service!  We ended up sitting on the floor in front of the stage where all the kids were seated.  Baby J couldn't nap since it was really noisy, so I had to run out to pat him to sleep.  Thankfully, some friends were around to help babysit Junior J!  Between them, and passing out crackers and crayons, we managed to keep them more or less occupied.  Phew!  

All in all, it was a pretty fruitful weekend, with lots of play:

I managed to also meet up with Junior J's godma for lunch and a nice long chat... Oh and on Monday, we also managed to pop by PageOne, and bought a whole pile of books at 70% off:

Just the right book for the boy now!

And we made a discovery: Junior J loves to eat lemons!  He's one funny boy...

My guys in green.  At Marche. :)

Hope your weekend was a blessed one! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday scrapping: A 6x6 mini boy album

Am back again for a short while to share some pics of a 6x6 mini album!  This was made for a dear friend who also has two little boys, who is currently staying in Australia:

Made this using a collection from Bo Bunny.  The bright colors are perfect for boys, me thinks!

Anyway, I used patterned papers for the inside, but left the inside of the album blank.  My friend wanted to learn how to scrap, so thought it'll be more fun for her this way!  I just stuffed loads of matching embellies and stickers and posted it to her.

Hope she'll have a blast recording all those memories of her two boys growing up!

PS: Click here to view another album made using stuff from the same collection! :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Foodie Fridays: More bentos

Its been really busy these days, since we've been trying to apartment hunt and pack in the middle of the night after the kids are asleep.  Cooking has taken a backseat and I've been resorting to getting the hubby to either pack food or asking my mum to cook... however I've still been cooking for Junior J since his appetite recently took a dip thanks to the flu bug.  Here's some of the bentos that he got across the past two weeks in the hope that he'll eat better:

Wrap with chicken and cheese, pan-fried chicken, capsicum, tomatoes and mushrooms...

Tuna sandwich with cheese... and some walnuts for fun.

Alpha pasta with fish poached in milk and mushrooms.

Assam prawns, baked veggies (asparagus, mushrooms, pumpkin, tomato)

V'day breakfast. Cheese sandwiches.

V'day dinner: Alpha pasta with pumpkin and mushroom, spinach, half-boiled egg, blueberries.
(The boy was pretty sick then and his appetite was terrible, so eggs were the easiest proteins to eat.)

Have a blessed weekend! :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And the winner of the giveaway is...

... Carol Lim! :)  Thanks everyone for sharing your favourite crafts and liking the blog's FB page.  It was really nice seeing some of the pictures of your favourite projects!  Do stay tuned as I'll probably have one or two more giveaways coming up soon, since I'm still packing and clearing my stuff!

Carol, do drop me an email at john(dot)jus(at)gmail(dot)com ya?

Thankful Tuesdays: Aspects of love

Hello! We are all down with the flu, and have been spending most of our time at home (save for a lunch date this afternoon with some new-found friends).  Am still rather under the weather, but its Valentine's day, so I'm thankful for aspects of love that are all around us:

:: God's beautiful creation that inspires.  And helps to keep us going, from the clouds that bring rain, to the sun that gives us light and makes things grow.

:: Homes that are filled with love.  From family to treasured things...

... to having meals together...

... as well as holding all those things you need for some TLC, when you are having a flu!

:: A father's love, that patiently instructs as a little boy learns to do the dishes:

... and never fails to respond to the request of "just one more book?".

:: Loving friends that give thoughtful gifts, and more importantly, lend a listening ear when you need one:

Junior J's luggage was a gift from his Godma.  He's been packing and unpacking it,
and trundling around the house with it.

:: A brother's love, that always provides a hand to hold:

... and hands that willingly make something for baby:

:: A baby's love, that consist of snuggles and snuffles and little gummy smiles, that make holding them such a heart-melting experience:

What are you thankful for this week?  If you could, do join us again to give thanks, by adding your link (to your specific blog post) below:

And once more, to encourage your readers to gather as well, don't forget to copy and paste the code below and place it at the bottom of your blog post.  Have a blessed blessed week, and count your blessings!

Mum in the Making

PS: My apologies for not popping by during the last grateful gathering, or replying emails and comments... its been an overwhelming week, with the flu, plus apartment hunting and prep for Germany.  Hope to get back into the swing of things sometime soon!


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