Thursday, November 28, 2013

Friday Five: This week...

... might just be the last week we are a family of four. This is how life is looking these days:

:: Lots of Lego and Duplo play. The boys recently received a huge tub of Lego from my parents, and they have been messing with the bricks every day.

:: Still figuring out how to wean this lil guy. And learning how to deal with his epic tantrums.

:: I've been finding it hard to cook, since my feet have been getting really puffy from standing up for extended periods of time to do chores/cooking. Doing things at any table/counter gives me a backache since the belly gets in the way. So we've been eating out a lil more often these days, and my MIL has taken over the cooking since yesterday. 

Had a quick dinner at Paul Bakery the other night after my gynae appointment. There's something very comforting about creamy chicken and crunchy fresh bread. 

:: This kid was really excited to use his duck umbrella the other day.

:: The nesting instinct is driving me crazy. I've been on a cleaning/decluttering rampage, but there's still lots to be done. Some time ago, I tackled the junk drawer in the kitchen:

This was when I was half-way through.

And tada! Now we don't need to rummage for stuff anymore.

I've also tackled the storeroom and piles and piles of the kids clothes (It's amazing how two boys can amass so much clothes. I can't imagine how it'll be if we had to add a girl to the mix!), and this nesting thing is going to keep me busy for the next few days. 

December is going to be quite a ride, so I'll be taking a break from running this Friday Five link-up for the rest of this year. Thanks for joining us! 

PS: Thanks also for helping me out with this survey. It's still running, so it'll be nice to know what you think!

Mum in the Making

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Dearest boys...

The other day I was resting on the sofa while talking to both of you. And I marveled at how different the both of you are. Junior J, you with the cuddly nature and the need to snuggle. Lil J, you with your independent streak and cheeky nature. And I thanked God for both of you. For how He gave me both of you, and how He is teaching me that there is no one size fits all method to handling the both of you. And how desperately we need to trust Him in terms of bringing up our children.

Both of you are so different, yet both of you will be big brothers in about a week's time. Junior J, I'm so glad that you're slowly getting the hang of being a big brother: learning to share your toys and looking out for your lil brother. I'm praying that as you grow and mature, you'll learn to love your little brothers more, even though they may take your toys or mess up your stuff.

Lil J, you've been having a hard time these days. You've had to work through your terrible twos, while having to deal with so many changes, from the impending arrival of your baby brother, to sleep-training and weaning. You've been finding it a struggle, going by how bad our nights are these days. I think it may be all the changes which are giving you alot of anxiety, because you've been waking up countless of times every night. It has been hard the past week, starting the weaning process again after you recovered, with you sticking to me at night, and not letting me leave to get the chores done. Some days I really wonder how you will deal with the nights without Mama when I have to go to deliver, and I pray and hope this phase will pass, and that we can gently help you to manage all the big emotions that you've had to deal with.

No matter what, we thank God for how He has blessed us with both of you. Remember, while Papa and Mama will be busy with baby when he comes, we love you both very very much... and God loves you even more.

Your very tired Mama.
Mum in the Making

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekend Wonderings: What's up ahead

It has been a busy week. We've been struggling through weaning and sleep-training (we were back to square one after his recent illness), recovering from the flu, and just doing general spring-cleaning in preparation for baby's arrival. I can't believe that we're one week away from December, which for us, means the arrival of Baby J. 

We had a scare on Friday, since the contractions got pretty frequent in the evening, possibly due to my walking quite a lot during the day. I know it sounds sort of strange if we say we felt unprepared, since this is baby #3, but I was hoping we could at least have Lil J prepared in terms of sleep-training before his baby brother came. And we had tickets for Swan Lake on Saturday, so we were hoping that Baby J stayed put, so that his parents could at least go for the ballet! I hastily packed my hospital bag on Friday night, but thankfully the lil one decided he'd prefer to spend Saturday cosied up in Mama's tummy, while listening to Tchaikovsky (and he spent the entire Act 3 kicking up a storm). 

I'm glad we're now almost at 38 weeks. The boys have recovered, and are busy with their everyday adventures. There's still lots to do (card-making for charity and playdates amongst other things!). Meanwhile, I've been thinking through this whole blogging thing as well. This blog has grown along with our family, and I've enjoyed writing and posting. However, I am thinking through the direction that this blog is going, so if you could, please help me out here by filling up this poll? If there are other topics you'd like to see on the blog, just leave me a comment... thanks everyone!

What would you like to read more about on this blog? free polls 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Late night baking with the Philips Airfryer

You know those pregnancy cravings? They were pretty bad in the first trimester. Then they disappeared during the second trimester. And now, with baby at 37 weeks, they have come back full force. While I craved spicy food earlier on, I have been hit by a serious need for chocolate the past two weeks. The hubby gets requests to drop by cafes to pick up chocolate cake for me. I have fork fights with my five year old when we share chocolate cheesecake. My poor Bible study group leader ends up being tasked to hunt for chocolate cake before group meetings. I sneak into 7-Eleven after bringing my kid to the PD to buy chocolate. Yes, those crazy chocolate cravings are pretty bad.

The cravings got so bad that one night, when I was up trying to declutter, I decided to bake because I really needed a chocolate fix, and Nutella spread on slices of banana was just not going to do the trick. So I baked a brownie. In my new Philips Avance XL Airfryer. It looks like this:

It is sleek and black, and boasts a larger capacity and heating power (1.2kg versus 800g, and 2100W versus 1400W) compared to the older airfryer models. I think one of the chief issues many had with the older models was that you couldn't fit more in it, something really important if you have a larger family to cook for! The basket measures slightly more than 21 cm across in width and depth, so it was perfect for my smaller baking tin:

So after all the mixing and stirring, in went the tin, and out came all these lovely chocolatey smells. And the brownie turned out pretty good, nice and crumbly without being too dry. 

I couldn't resist snapping a shot and posting on Instagram while waiting for the brownie to bake. One of the main responses I got was the question "you mean you can bake in the airfryer?". And of course, the answer is yes, going by the yummy brownie that resulted (which mostly has been eaten by yours truly at the time I'm writing this post).

We've also tried cooking home-made fries (Lil J simply LOVES his fries), as well as chicken wings in the airfryer. We've not done much deep-frying before the arrival of the airfryer, and I must say being able to cook stuff that usually requires deep-frying, but without all the grease that usually results is a huge plus point. That, and being able to use a lot less oil during the cooking process.

So you have this machine that helps you to fry those yummy fries and chicken wings with less oil, and allows you to bake as well. And grill, roast and gratinate. Quite a versatile kitchen helper, if you ask me! (Now if it could wash itself up, that would make it perfect. But then again, the basket is dishwasher-safe, so that's another plus point!)

Oh yes, and here's the brownie recipe (adapted from here) if you need a chocolate fix like me:

Chocolate Brownies

75g butter
75g semi-sweet chocolate
1 egg
60g sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
40g self-raising flour
25g chopped walnuts or hazelnuts

1. Line small low-sided cake pan with baking paper and grease the sides.
2. Melt chocolate and butter together slowly in a saucepan. Allow to return to room temperature.
3. Pre-heat your airfryer to 180 Celsius.
4. Beat the egg with vanilla essence, sugar, and a pinch of salt, until light and fluffy.
5. Beat in the chocolate and butter mixture, and fold in the flour and nuts.
6. Pour mix into cake pan, and put it in the fryer basket. Set time for 20 minutes. (Enjoy the chocolatey smells meanwhile!)
7. Remove from fryer, and cool in pan before cutting into pieces.


An exclusive just for Mum in the Making blog readers:
Cook with Air today! Quote "Mum in the Making" and buy the Viva Digital Airfryer at $399 + $50 shopping voucher (Usual price: $459) and the Avance XL Airfryer at $479 + $50 shopping voucher (Usual price: $539) at the Philips Experience Showroom.* 
This promotion is valid from 1st December till 31st January 2014.

The Viva Digital Airfryer and Avance XL Airfryer are also available at regular prices, in leading electronics stores, departmental stores and supermarkets island-wide.

*Limited to 1 Airfryer per person (IC must be produced).

Philips Experience Showroom
Address: 620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh Building TP4 Level 1 S(319762)
Tel: 6882 5800

Opening Hours: 
Monday to Friday9.00 am – 7.00 pm 
Saturday9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Disclaimer: The Avance XL Airfryer was sponsored by Philips for purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions (and chocolate cakes) are my own. You are welcome to come by to try some though, if there is any left that is!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: Lost and found

The hubs brought Lil J to the library yesterday evening before dinner, while Junior J stayed home with me while I cooked. I suddenly remembered that we were out of some groceries, and decided to give him a call. His handphone rang, as I juggled my phone and washed up some dishes at the same time.

Someone answered the phone. "Hello?" It was a woman's voice. I am used to having the hub's phone being answered by others when I call him at work, since there are times that he is busy doing a procedure, and gets a nurse to take the call for him. But this time, he was supposed to be at the library. With the little one. Returning our almost due library books.

"Hello?" I say again. I wonder if something has happened to him. Or the boy. The tap is running. I turn off the tap.

"Hi, I am from the library counter, and we have your husband's phone. Someone found it and passed it to us." I realize I had been holding my breath. I start breathing again. I thank the lady and almost tell her I'll let my husband know, but catch myself in time. I picture how frantic the hubs would be, since this is not the first time he has lost/misplaced his phone.

Thankfully, the hubs realizes he has dropped his phone, and makes a U-turn back for the library to look for it. Thank God for honest helpful strangers, whoever you are!


Phone adventures aside, it has been a sniffly week for us. Lil J is down with another bug which he caught from Junior J, so we've been mainly housebound for the past two weeks or so. I've also caught the bug, and we've thrown all sleep-training/weaning plans out of the window for now. The little one was so sick, he spent two days or so mainly just lying down dazed (something we hardly see with Mr Active) while battling a high fever that refused to go even with meds. Am so thankful for an experienced PD, who gave us anti-viral meds for the boy (this is the first time we've ever had to give anti-virals meds!). The fever finally broke after we started the meds, and now all of us have to just recover from our coughs.

So this week, I am thankful for quiet days at home. Home, which is in this terrible mess from having the kids staying in most of the time. But still, home which is where we get to rest and read, and curl up with our favourite books and toys. 

Home, where we have our everyday messes and play. Where we are safe, and surrounded by love.

Also, today marks baby J's 37th week. Ding ding! He's now full-term and I am thankful, even though I have currently reached the stage where doing anything seems to be difficult and uncomfortable! We are praying that he stays in there for awhile more, so we have time to prepare Lil J in terms of sleep-traning (Any tandem feeding mums out there? I need your advice!). Meanwhile, its one day at a time. 

What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday Five: Books by Amber Stewart (and a giveaway!)

We recently discovered books by the author Amber Stewart when we came across the book "Little by Little" at the library. Co-incidentally, we were invited by The Groovy Giraffe to review two more titles by the same author ("Just Like Tonight" and "Bramble the Brave"), and we were of course game to do so!

So here's why we like books by Ms Stewart:

:: They have lovely, meaningful story lines. "Bramble the Brave" is about a little mole who is brave and has a sense of adventure. However, her sense of adventure doesn't apply when it comes to mealtimes, and she is a fussy eater that eats nothing but berries! The story follows Bramble as her parents try in vain to get her to try new foods. Eventually she gains the courage to sample new tastes, and finds that other foods can be just as delicious.

In "Just Like Tonight" we meet Button, a little bear cub, who worries about having bad dreams about a tree that he sees that resembles a big, scary bear. However, Daddy bear is able to reassure him with family stories, and Button is able to fall asleep with all these warm memories. And instead of having nightmares, his sleep is filled with sweet dreams.

:: The series of books cover various topics relevant to the difficulties and challenges that children may face, from fussy eating and night time fears, to starting school and learning a new skill. These are all issues that most children would face, and reading these titles are great springboards for discussing them with your kids!

:: These stories are simple enough to stay in a child's mind. And possibly have a positive impact on them. Junior J has been unwell for the past week or so, and has been most difficult during meal-times (to the point that he would need alot of coaxing to start on a meal, and would then declare he is full after taking a few bites). So imagine my surprise today, when he said that he would eat his porridge (something he refused to eat just the day before), because he is willing "to try new things like Bramble". I guess sometimes we may think that what we read or talk about may not register in their little minds, but these stories may actually help!

:: The stories are probably suitable for those three and up, but can also be appreciated by younger toddlers. Junior J loves listening to these stories being read to him, and Lil J also joins in when we read these books. Being a toddler with a short attention span, he does not follow through the whole story, but does listen when I simplify the story for him.

:: These stories are accompanied by lovely illustrations! The illustrations by Layn Marlow are simple and beautiful. Lil J loves pointing out various things in the books, like flowers and butterflies, and I find both boys sometimes browsing these books on their own.

If you're interested, The Groovy Giraffe stocks quite a few titles by Amber Stewart (remember to type "mm05" at checkout to get an additional 5% off their already discounted prices), and I think these would also make lovely Christmas gifts!

They are also giving away a copy of "Bramble the Brave" and "Just Like Tonight" each to one blog reader. Just follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below to enter in the giveaway (please remember to leave your email address in the comments so we can contact you if you win!):

a Rafflecopter giveaway
PS: You can follow our book recommendations over here at our Facebook page.

PPS: The usual disclaimer. We received a copy of the two titles for purpose of the review. No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions are our own.

Mum in the Making

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Mummified

I was cooking, and the boys were playing with Papa. They took out their doctor's bag, and the hubs started practicing his bandaging skills (for some reason he also added a toy pasta scoop to his head, and I will not post a photo of him, lest he kills me!), and decided to walk about like a zombie. Both the boys were amused. So Junior J asked to be bandaged next (pasta scoop included), and proceeded to try to scare his little brother:

And of course, the littlest (for now) also wanted to join in the fun!

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My Little Drummer Boys

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful Tuesdays: One day at a time

Sometimes people ask me how we manage, without a maid, and having the boys home all the time, since they don't attend regular school. To be honest, I am not sure too, but looking at how some other mums cope with multiple kids and homeschooling, I guess we'll have to say it can be done. There are those wonderful times, when the boys are playing peacefully together, the kids are all willing to learn and help around the house, and you feel a sense of accomplishment from staying home with these little ones. Then there are the rough days or hours, which have you pulling at your hair and wondering "How on earth did I get to this state?". Meanwhile, the house is usually messy, fights are commonplace, and you're either stepping on Lego or cleaning up some puddle of something or other (and hopefully its pee, and not poop).

Yesterday was one of those days. We managed to go out of the house (in spite of the big boy being under the weather, and waking up much earlier than usual). The boys got a little crazy on the way home from being over-tired, and were really noisy in the cab. I came home with a pounding headache, and ended up napping with Lil J (after he took ages to settle down), and then Junior J, tired out, decided to nap with us. I woke up, and found that Junior J had wet the bed, so we cleaned up. Then it was dinner prep (and I had no idea what to cook, and the boys were having bad appetites after falling sick), and the hubs was not back yet. Lil J wanted to play with the rice I was scooping out for dinner, and proceeded to fling 2 handfuls across the kitchen. Picking up all those grains occupied the boys for 15 minutes or so, while I started chopping and cooking stuff. Lil J was hungry, and tried to raid the larder for Cheerios. I poured some out for him, only to have him pour them all over the floor! So it was more picking up time. Then I poured out a cup of water to feed Lil J, only to have him pour the water all over the table (and on his brother's collection of dino books!). Thankfully, the hubs came home while I was drying out all the books, and I could finish cooking the rest of dinner. I managed to cobble together a meal (sushi for the boys, and I need to work on those rolling skills), and I heaved a sigh of relief when the boys ate it all up.

Then there was the other day, where Lil J pooped in his diaper, and it leaked without me knowing. Junior J stepped in his brother's poop, yelled, and promptly started walking to the toilet in a panic. So there was this poop trail to clean up... plus the bath mat which Junior J stepped on with his poopy feet. And the poopy toddler with the leaky diaper. And the distraught 5 year old with poopy feet. So the boys went into the tub, the mat into the washing machine, and I spent tub time mopping and cleaning up the floor.

But these are the days that get me praying hard. These are the times that remind me that this homemaking and parenting journey is a long road we have to travel, while looking to God for hope and strength. It is the hard moments that help me to remember that I cannot do this alone. So I am thankful. For the crazy days of cleaning, that remind me that I am not perfect and that I do not have it all together, much as I like to think I do. For all the help I get, from my parents who help out, to the hubs, who tired as he is, always hangs out with the kids after work. For the laughter and joy the boys bring, which makes the hard days easier.

So if you were to ask me, how do we manage? I'd say there's no magic formula to staying home and staying sane. We just take it day by day, sometimes hour by hour. We pray hard. And somehow, God always brings us through each day.

What are you thankful for this week?

Mum in the Making

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Five: Almost five

This boy turns five in January next year.

I can't believe how much he's grown. He's matured alot in the past few months. Still fiercely stubborn, still our little introvert, but a whole lot more sensible. And most days, his sweeter side shines through, and I am so thankful for this little boy. His appetite has grown by quite a bit, and he has a really soft spot for chocolate and cake (as well as for our approval, and most days he tries hard to please). Almost five, and it seems like a short while ago he was still that tiny toddler!

PS: Thank you for the thoughts, comments, encouragement and prayers with regards to Lil J and his terrible twos. We're still having lots of night wakings and tantrums, so this blog would probably be a little quieter for the next few weeks as we ride out this phase. I've never prayed so hard before for my children! I guess its a reminder to us as parents, that while we have all these parenting books and philosophies, there is no set formula on how to bring up a child. Except to put him in our Heavenly Father's loving hands and trust that He would guide and give us strength to tackle all the challenges ahead!

Mum in the Making

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A look at my... work table

Ok, so this round, we were supposed to share how our work tables looked. You know, those surfaces where you sorted your bills and did your work on, or even those that you sit down to when you reach the office.

For us, we have a lovely table in our study, but it currently isn't a work surface, since it looks like this:

Ok, it actually looks better than this now, but its still too cluttered for me to do any crafting or work on it. And right now, with what has been going on, I've not had any time to pack it (it would be a miracle if I get on top of my laundry mountain to begin with!).

So here's where we usually work everyday:

Our dining table. Which is huge (to accommodate our weekly Bible study group). It's where we have all our meals. Where the boys do their learning, drawing and doodling:

Unfortunately, #2 does not seem to understand what it means to keep his doodlings within the confines of the paper.

Its also where the hubs and I usually work on our laptops. And most days, it is a reflection of all the activity that is going on at home.

Deliveries get plonked on the far end of the table. So do books that are being read.
And toys that are being played with. And of course, you'll always need a thermometer at hand,
if you have a sick kid in the home.

I'm still hoping to clear the study table so that I can craft again, but that will take some time. Hopefully there'll be some progress before baby comes!

So how does your work or craft table look like? Snap a photo, blog about it and grab the button and link up! Or if you have Instagram, snap a photo of your table and add the hashtag "#alookatmy". And come back again on the 4th of Dec to share photos of one of the shelves you have in your home!

Mum in the Making

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